Value Your Awareness of Truth
A recovered memory showed up a few years ago, as I was writing the memoir. It took a while to come to fruition, but it turned out to be just a memory of how around the time Liz was seven years old truth (pure consciousness) rose to conscious awareness. There was a brief lovely episode with love in conscious awareness. But ego was exposed, too, because when truth is in conscious awareness ego’s denial of truth becomes apparent. There was a moment when Liz felt that “good and evil” were “fighting over” her—a childish characterization, but it is interesting that at that time I felt I as I do now, merely a neutral consciousness that registers the presence of either ego or pure consciousness. In other words, it was an impersonal experience. There was no sense of choice, either then or now. Liz was merely the “territory” over which the denial of truth (ego) fought its battle against truth (pure consciousness). ...