Spirituality as the Light in the Darkness
Consciousness arose to play out the idea of the opposite of God (Reality), or not-God. But as God is All and cannot have an opposite, consciousness also contains the Idea of God, or God’s Spirit , canceling out not-God. So, as it unfolds over time, consciousness is the correction of the perception of a reality opposed to God, or what A Course in Miracles calls the Atonement . Consciousness has three parts: Conscious awareness, the subconscious, and the unconscious. Until Spirit rises to conscious awareness, It is in the unconscious or subconscious. The Atonement, then, is the process of the Idea of God (Spirit) rising to conscious awareness, in individuals, and in consciousness as a whole. (Bear in mind, this play of the idea of not-God and the Idea of God that is consciousness/time/the Atonement, is merely symbolic and has no effect on God whatsoever.) As Spirit rises toward conscious awareness to manifest the Atonement, this shows up as...