
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Loving Experience of Truth Has Not Changed

           My recent articles in which I explained how pure love and peace have been deflated for me from a god to simply what is , has had some readers and clients confused. Mostly, they want to know if what I am saying is that what they have been experiencing as a comforting presence, love, or guidance is not real. On the contrary, I am saying it is very real. It is what is! Your experiences are genuine and I am only attempting to bring them down to, I hope, make them feel closer, more accessible, and more comfortable, by explaining that what you have been experiencing is simply what consciousness is, rather than from a distant, lofty, powerful authority. Loving, peaceful truth is so ordinary and natural and here it does not need to be inflated into a god with an elaborate story or explanation. Some tell me that what I now call “pure consciousness” is what they have always meant by the labels God or Christ Consciousness . And that is fine. Call it wha...

This Christmas, Simplify

           “Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.” (M-24.6)   I did not know that the spiritual symbols that remained here were ego until they collapsed. I just went along with whatever understanding unfolded here, and the symbols of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit remained. In fact, in many ways returned , because before the shift in consciousness, I preferred the words Truth , Extension of Truth , and Teacher of Truth . As I’ve shared, after the ontological ego fell away in a moment, the psychological ego has been in a process of falling away, rising fully to conscious awareness as it does so. I had no idea that those symbols returning were part of that. They were part of ego’s sense of specialness for Liz. So, it is with wonder that I watch the whole spiritual apparatus here deflate. Father (God), Son (Christ)…long ago I came to understand these terms as Whole and Part of the Whole. This is how I transl...

Love is Closer When God Falls Away

            I’ve had some questions and discussions that indicate I need to clarify what I was trying to convey in last week’s article.            Although the idea of God has fallen away here with ego, my mystical experiences (transcendent love and oneness) as well as my experiences of an internal, loving guide, teacher, and therapist when ego was here were real (as far as consciousness is concerned). I simply understand now that they were the experience of pure consciousness, not of a higher power of some kind. Ego’s denial and opposition to pure consciousness turns the ordinary into something extraordinary, making it seem distant and lofty and special—making it into a god.             My message is that the experiences of universal love and oneness and wholeness that you seek are right here , beyond and surrounding ego in your experience. This is not a new message at all, but I no longer feel t...

The Everpresent Love Revealed When God Falls Away

            Over six years ago, the ontological ego (the experience of existence that consciousness is reality) fell away. Ever since, I’ve watched the psychological ego fall away. In this process, ego was wholly revealed. At the same time, consciousness itself—consciousness without ego—is rising more completely to conscious awareness. I’ve recorded much of this in these articles, and it has been an evolution. Lately, I’ve used a particular analogy. And now I must dump it! It is this one:   If the sun were God (the Absolute), and sunlight was God’s Extension (Christ), and a house was consciousness, then the occupant of the house would be ego and the sunlight streaming into the house would be God’s (or Christ’s) Spirit.   Turns out: Nope. No part of the Absolute—which is what I meant by  God —is in consciousness.  All  of consciousness is a  representation of the idea of not-Truth and its undoing by the All-encompassi...