Ask: Any insights on accepting not having the partner and family I want?

“I am 39 and single, childless. I have spent the last 15 years doing everything (and at times letting go) to find a partner (and be the best I can be and absolutely everything under the sun) and have a family. This has not happened. I am a few months shy of 40, and am accepting the painful truth that it hasn’t and probably will not happen (I am not prepared to have a child on my own). It is so hard not to judge this as 'devastating' and 'wrong'.  I can’t even judge it as 'for the best' or 'meant to be'. I can’t seem to connect to the HS in my mind at the lesson or truth of this. There is shock, grief and denial. I’ve been able to accept spiritual understanding with so many things, but not this. In saying that, I am definitely in a process right now, and am quite certain I will come out the other side- I always do. Insights?” - HE

            The first thing you need to clarify for yourself is that what does or does not happen in the universe of form has nothing at all to do with God (True Being).  I say this in case you feel some anger toward the Holy Spirit for what has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. This anger could be why you are unable to connect to the Holy Spirit lately.
            Also your statement that you have been “the best I can be” may indicate that you believe that you have to “earn” what you desire from some power over and outside of you (a god). That god does not exist and the universe of form does not function as a system of reward and punishment.
            The universe of form is an expression of the idea of not-God. It is an idea that was over as soon as it was thought. And it is meaningless because the opposite-of-God is not possible. But the ego (personal thought system) in your mind, which is part of that idea, teaches you that form is reality and therefore meaningful. It teaches you that you are part of form (a self, or body/personality) and to seek to fulfill your sense of lack through form. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit (awareness of Truth) in your mind teaches you that you are already whole in Truth and to just observe the unfolding story of the universe of form.
            It has been my observation, of this self’s life as well as of other selves’ lives, that a self’s deepest authentic desires generally express the role that self will play out in the story of the universe of form. However, that does not mean it will play out exactly as one assumes or in the time frame one would like. For example, for much of this self’s early life it thought it wanted to raise children. This self is a nurturer and the natural assumption was that the desire to nurture would be satisfied by raising children. But this self nurtured in other ways and realized she didn’t need to have children to be fulfilled and does not regret not having children.

            Also, this self always wanted to be married. She wanted to experience a life-long commitment with another. But she didn’t meet her mate until she was 30 years old.      So the lesson is to trust the unfolding for the self and to open your mind to the possibility of the self’s desires being fulfilled in ways you perhaps have not considered. Where the Holy Spirit comes into this is in living present in the wholeness of Truth. When you know that you are whole in Truth you stop looking to the self’s unfolding life for wholeness. This frees you to trust and watch the unfolding for the self.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at


hannah said…
im also 39 and have been single most of my life. i would love to experience lifelong commitment with someone, but have felt like as i become more focused on awakening to truth, that somehow it becomes less likely that i will meet someone who resonates with that, rather than more likely!? i used to trust that meeting someone where the feelings were mutual would happen in its own good time, but as im learning about how the universe does not necessarily work like that, (clear the blockages to allowing and what we want will be free to happen) i have started to bevel i need to accept that it may never happen.
will said…
Liz, Can a person give blessings to another person?
ACIM Mentor said…
What do you mean by "blessing"? If you mean saying words then you can say all the words you want to another person. But what they experience is up to them.
Anonymous said…
I traveled the dusty road of feeling alone and abandoned for quite awhile until one infamous day when I proclaimed there has to be a better way and then suddenly I heard this sweet melodic ring and on the other line was the most glorious Voice. This Voice grew into the most glorious relationship of my life. When I chose to answer the call, The Voice said one word “abandoned” and in that holy instant, my life was not the same. A miracle shined within and it was as if The Voice was telling me, thank you for taking my call. I have been calling for quite some time to tell you, you are not alone, you have not been abandoned and you are loved. God Loves You! God Loves You! This began the Supreme Relationship to my healing and learning to love the only child in need of love and that child is me.

For so long I believed in what my story should be but it didn't turn out that way. At the age of 49 I married the man of my dreams and he was, the man of my dreams. Oh how this man cherished, adored and loved me, all the while when I didn't love me. He kept showing me how lovable I was but I didn't believe it. I didn't believe I was worthy. I was not ready to receive his love and then he passed but his love never did because in a holy instant, on a warm summer day this past July, I finally recognized in my mind what he loved all those years and in that instant, I accepted It. You see, I had to first learn how to love that little girl crying to be loved before I could accept His Love. I am loving her now and she is brilliant, she is radiant, she is Love. I finally see her. Aren't we all that little girl or that little boy that wants to be loved, that wants to know they are deserving, that they are worthy of love, that they are the Love?

Ask to be shown your hearts desires and right now, in this holy moment, just love her, love him and continue developing Trust that God Loves You!
will said…
HE's post was very moving. It triggered 'blessings' in my mind but I couldn't place it. It was the prayer in Lesson 161. I hadn't looked at it as just saying words but your right that is an option.
Anonymous said…
Remember though, the ego calls too. After I posted my comment, I received a phone call. It was an individual with an Indian accent that was hard to understand. He said he was from the IRS and there is a lawsuit filed against me. Knowing this was a scam, I told the individual (ego) that I know this call to be false and an illusion and the person (ego) said, “you can hang up and suffer the consequences" (fear of god) and so I chose to hang up knowing there are no consequences besides what I choose to believe. I attempted to call back to offer my blessing but the connection was lost. Literally!

So lesson 161 says, “Select one brother, symbol of the rest, and ask salvation of him . . . one who can forgive you all your sins . . . Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. I would behold you with the eyes of Christ, and see my perfect sinlessness in you.”

Now how perfect is this, that the IRS be the symbol of the rest. Laughing out loud.

So what I would like to add, that speaks to this post is, don't be fooled by the ego that tells you, you need this, you need that to make you Whole. You are that perfect Child of God. Be that child who knows her wholeness and talks to the frogs in the garden and gives them special names, who doesn't have judgment of self and eats a three scoop sundae and wears the chocolate fudge on her brand new blouse with pride, be the one that laughs at an illusory monster that I call the IRS. Be that empowering child that knows her wholeness.
will said…
The prayer in Lesson 161 follows one of the most important paragraphs in the entire Course in Miracles. The abstract is dropped and a concrete step by step explanation on how to practice Forgiveness and receive blessings is given.
Christine said…
I read this post this morning - and instead of chiming in right away with "you should do this" or "you should do that", "or I did this or that", I have pondered it all day. Liz, your response to H E is perfect - nothing could be added, and nothing could be taken away from it. So clear, thank you. I love Annonymous' comments - always a good read with her extemperanious flair. Will is very practical and by the book! This story of feeling incomplete (not married, etc. or childless) is not uncommon. I was 'there' in the mid '90's...after my divorce, there was a period of "no one is out there for me!" And I'm not trying to state this as a 'fix it' comment (make a better dream), but what happened,at the time my Mom made me talk to a Christian Science practitioner who heard my "plight" and she said - "You have to forgive your father." How she knew that - I will never know.
That was my 'old sense' of forgiveness, too, before the Course was in my life years later...but it was a start. To forgive him (not for what he did to me, but to our Mother) was like raising the Titanic to me.She was a very helpful practitioner - and was in an abusive marriage - my Mom said her husband was always yelling at her and complaining when she was on the phone with clients! Anyway - just Looking at forgiveness started my Awareness of Wholeness. I came from Wholeness anywhere I went (more and more)...and by the time I met my husband of 17 years now, I wasn't even "hunting" for a man! I did get out a little, but wasn't scanning the room for potential mates anymore - and really having a peaceful time, I all just happened so easily and as if it were all orchestrated that we should meet.
Anyway - practicing True Forgiveness and having the Awareness of wholeness - you're not lacking true companionship - it is flowing out of you.
Annonymous - I too name critters in my back yard!
ACIM Mentor said…
I tell my dogs all the time that they are a blessing to me. But I know that is how I see them, not something coming from them. Of course that is on another level, but it's the same idea as in that lesson. Really, you bless yourself through another. No one can give you anything. Only you can give to yourself.
will said…
Going back to the first few pages of Chapter I in the text where it defines Miracles it looks like Miracles and Blessings may be the same thing. "Your experiences of miracles always bless 'you' even if you cannot see a manifestation of them in the world (p.14)" I just found it interesting to look into.
Unknown said…
I,m always talking to our parrot, Bobby,he comes in very handy anytime I need to steer a conversation in a new direction !
Christine said…
Lately I have observed - as an example - of how "blessings" come from you (us/individual) is for example, when playing the bagpipe, or any musical instrument - that music is flowing 'out from you', it ( in the form of a healing of a lack of companionship, lack of health, lack of whatever in the mind of the one thinking it...)it is already there just needs to bust out!
The "real' healing is the miracle which is our Awareness of our not needing anything at all (not lacking) but a lot of us aren't 'there' yet.
I had a parrot, too...Charlie, laid eggs in my kitchen cabinet one blizzardy night!
hannah said…
i have just been studying lesson 79, 'let me recognise the problem so it can be solved' and this brought everything back into perspective, including attachment to any particular 'outcome' and my self pity! as does 'you can only give to yourself' thanks liz.. or should i say, thanks, me ;)

im finding that bringing my mind back to the awareness that these issues in my mind, the conflict and lack thoughts, have a purpose is really helpful! the feelings around the issue become instantly much quieter, softer, or even disappear. and i can see that only my desire for my self to be real makes this choice feel difficult sometimes.

its been a dance random jigs kind of day! to think the last time around i found this lesson boring!!

hannah said…
i have just been studying lesson 79, 'let me recognise the problem so it can be solved' and this brought everything back into perspective, including attachment to any particular 'outcome' and my self pity! as does 'you can only give to yourself' thanks liz.. or should i say, thanks, me ;)

im finding that bringing my mind back to the awareness that these issues in my mind, the conflict and lack thoughts, have a purpose is really helpful! the feelings around the issue become instantly much quieter, softer, or even disappear. and i can see that only my desire for my self to be real makes this choice feel difficult sometimes.

its been a dance random jigs kind of day! to think the last time around i found this lesson boring!!

Anonymous said…
Nurturing is other ways can show up in many forms and bring out a lightness of spirit. As I awakened this morning, I realized a shift has occurred. I am not this body and peace is staying for longer periods of time. With awareness, I no longer give power to what happens in the world and share this early morning story as the observer. A middle aged woman walks her three dogs in the quiet of a New England morn. She is dressed in a florescent orange top and bright purple sneakers. Later I notice her sitting on her front porch with the smallest of her dogs, a white and caramel bichon frise mix. The pup is laying on his back to allow her to pull out all the burrs he got all over him, from head to tail, after walking through the thicket and in the gentle process, I hear her sing this song to the little bugger . . .

We have to stay out of the pucker brush, the pucker brush, the pucker brush, we have to stay out of the pucker brush so early in the morning.
It takes forever to pull them out, to pull them out, to pull them out, it takes forever to pull them out so early in the morning.
We need to poop some other place, some other place, some other place, we have to poop some other place so early in the morning.
It wasn't so bad after all, after all, after all, it wasn't so bad, after all so early in the morning.
Forgive it and be peaceful, peaceful, peaceful, forgive it and be peaceful so early in the morning.
hannah said…
i laughed out loud, anonymous! my cats like to romp in the forget-me-nots, (theyre a bit hard to avoid around here!) i now have a new song to add to the cat repertoire, danke! ;)
Anonymous said…
You know, I don't take much serious in the world anymore except when I hear a call for love, I respond with love. At certain times however I find I respond as a child would. I was reading in the Workbook this morning, the page in Part II, "What is the World?" and as I read "We must save the world." Well for a moment my thought gets serious and then I suddenly picture myself standing on top of a mountain of snow, proclaiming with the gusto of a five year old, shouting to the heavens with arms raised up "I Am The Queen (King) of the World" and with that Spirit of knowing, the world is saved. Go with the might of a child mighty companions.
Anonymous said…
Forget-me-nots symbolize true love, and thank you for mentioning this flower, I am visiting one of my little sister today who needs to remember the flower she is so I will bring with me a bunch with the message, do not forget to romp in the flowers like a cat would, be with Joy. Joy to the world, Joy to you and me.
hannah said…
anonymous... WOW!!! so much love to you!! the synchronicity is just so beautiful!! my mind is still blown away by synchronicity like this, (ive come to see it as conversation with the voice for truth), it happens all the time now and yet i never seem to get used to it.. or maybe not take it for granted is more what i mean. anyway, i have been singing jeremiah was a bullfrog - joy to the world for the last three days! and my little sister Amy is visiting today, she lives 6 hours away. i call her jube, short for jubilation, but she too seems to have temporarily forgotten her joy. sister romp time!

THANK you for the love and the laughter.. God bless us, everyOne ;)
Sage Starfield said…
Is it possible that our Higher Self has a different agenda for us (than ego) and that if we tune in to it then we realize that it's actually OUR agenda too? Sometimes I'm confused as to what "i" want vs. what "I" want. That is, it's not always so obvious to me. Just mentioning this in the context of this topic of not having the partner I want (or any other life details for that matter...) Could it be as simple as that we don't have what God wants us to have and therefore being comforted in that knowledge should make acceptance easier? And hopefully lead us also to "what we want what we Really, REALLY want"... (uh oh another song! ; )
hannah said…
hi sage :) ive found that acceptance can feel like joy and gratitude or denial and sacrifice, depending on what perception of self im buying into, or how real oneness or god feels on any particular day! my ideas around what 'gods will for me is perfect happiness' means have changed so much over the last ten years. changed as my concepts and experience of what god is has changed. your 'could it be as simple' question is interesting.. sometimes thats the same question im honestly asking inside. but another part of me is coming to understand that what i AM does have what god 'wants'. in the course it says god doesnt know of this seeming existence. what causes me grief is that im attached to i want! i used to rage against god for not 'providing'.. then i raged against myself for wanting. liz helped me to start letting go of guilt for having preferences and desires. over time the desire for truth is growing greater than the demand for self gratification, but theyre both in my mind now. so weird becoming aware of such a split personality :D wee bit uncomfortable!
Sage Starfield said…
hannahlily, : ) funny you mention split personality - I've been feeling a bit schizo around this and feeling that too. Seeing both sides at once as both plausible and with merit. I hear "over time the desire for truth is growing greater than the demand for self gratification" and feel like I've been working with that for a long time as well. I guess (honing in on the matter!) that right now my confusion is in not knowing when an impulse is representative of Truth or not. This post about seeking a partner is a good example: If I feel an impulse to be with someone and share Truth with them, how do I test that impulse for certifiabilty with Truth? Alternatively, how do I rule out acting from ego? The "acid test" isn't clear to me... and when the answer is not clear, is it wise to take a risk, or do we remain in the relative safety of inaction?
will said…
Not trying to interrupt the dialogue which is very interesting, just putting this down for anyone who may be interested in Blessings. Blessings and Miracles are not the same thing. Blessing are your "experience" of the Miracle.
will said…
If you experience a miracle the ego wants to hi-jack it and claim it as its own. You know this if you are having repetitive thoughts that make you feel good (or bad). If you are having an emotional charge from a thought it is ego; a lot of times wanting to create desire. The fix is not in trying to force the thoughts from your mind or beating yourself up but in AWARENESS. Just having awareness is the fix. Awareness comes from studying and being in the Holy Instant (meditation) so you will recognize what is happening. These thoughts come from trying to figure out Blessings by reading Ch. 1&2 over and over again in "The Message of A Course in Miracles."
Christine said…
I've been pondering this again - far as 'wanting' something, or someone, or for something to happen, etc...I always try to remind myself - of what Ken Wapnick stressed: He said (paraphrasing here), "You don't have to stop wanting things in the world (non existent world, he'd sneak in there)...just ask the Holy Spirit to help you with your CONCERN about everything." For example, he said you don't have to stop wanting a mate, or a nice home (in the country with room for a pony), or a good car, or some job you think will make you finally whole, etc., just look at your 'concern' you are having about anything. Looking at my overarching concern has really helped me cool my jets about my one issue that has never come true. Really has helped - so much more peaceful about it, still want the situation, but if it happens, great, if not, I am actually OK finally about it. Took years to get here folks.
Sage Starfield said…
Good comments friends! All helpful as we proceed down our (i was going to say "crooked"!) paths. Like the "emotional charge" and "overarching concern" angles - will contemplate on those... thanks.
Anonymous said…
Waking to the wanting mind (really?) and so I receive thank you) and so I share (you are welcome).

“In gentle laughter does the Holy Spirit perceive the cause, and looks not to effects. How else could He correct your error, who have overlooked the cause entirely? He bids you bring each terrible effect to Him that you may look together on its foolish cause and laugh with Him a while. You judge effects, but He has judged their cause. And by His judgment are effects removed. Perhaps you come in tears. But hear Him say, ‘My brother, holy Son of God, behold your idle dream, in which this could occur. And you will leave the holy instant with your laughter and your brother’s joined with His.” (A Course in Miracles Chapter 27, VIII. The “Hero” of the Dream, paragraph 9)
ACIM Mentor said…
"God's Will" is that you are one with God. God's Will does not extend into the world. Your "Higher Self" (if by this you mean Holy Spirit) does not want anything for you in the world. It only works in you; the world does not exist for It. What happens at the level of form is the result of cause and effect at the level of form. (I refer you to the blogs and

will said…
In the beginning of Ch.3 in the Message of ACIM it is explaining separation and says "This is not real. You are Eternally One with God...Believing in illusion is a choice and it will disappear in an instant if you want it to ...etc" this is addressing the decision maker who is asleep. The course is explaining to the decision maker what has happened. None of it is addressed to the personal mind. Does this sound right.
will said…
So when I, Will with a personal mind with free will, make the choice to practice ACIM, it really isn't about Will, it's about the personal mind Will getting the message to the decision maker.
will said…
So when we write on the blog about how we are experiencing this or that with the course or have had this or that happen in our lives we have got it wrong. It would be more accurate to say the mind is projecting this or that happening to Will.

But in the beginning the Holy Spirit uses the belief in a personal self/body to teach us.
hannah said…
so.. "gods will" is that only the truth is true, that oneness simply cannot be anything other than unalterably one, right?! so there is no will for change in god, the idea is just.. bonkers! cos in reality nothing is wrong/missing/needed etc, and a dream is just a dream! oh, that finally makes me feel peaceful and relaxed and happy... gods will not extending into the world! here we think of will as something causing an effect, or change, upon something else, but thats impossible in truth, only possible for the egos idea of reality/god/what we are etc!

i guess its more accurate for a seemingly separate self to say 'my right-minded will is for me to know my reality' and wake from the dream of a self, whereas my wrong-minded will is for me to keep searching for happiness in the world, because that makes that self seem real? wow the course is amazing at meeting us where we think we are. i was just thinking 'gee, theres so much in it thats misleading, but thats only if i hold on to my old interpretations.' its not misleading, its brilliant how it can be read from changing perspectives and help us where we are.
Christine said…
In short, you are "God's Will", Will, not "Will's Will". Had to say it...!
Sage Starfield said…
I found Lesson 80 helpful: "Let me recognise my problems have been solved".
If separation is the illusion, then trying to figure out what is or isn't illusion is just an extension of illusion. Lesson 80 reminds me that we can keep it simple and not chase our tails in circles over illusory conundrums. So we can get Real. Cut to the chase. It feels good! (I don't think feeling good is an illusion).

Thanks Liz. I will check out those links.
Sage Starfield said…
Liz, This quote you had in "What Could You Not Accept" seems quite fitting for this post:

“What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?” (W-135.18)

We can accept and be grateful for everything we have from God and quietly notice the ego wanting more more more! If we appreciate and work with our God-given gifts instead of our ego perceived lacks, then we're on the right track!
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, you are correct in your first statement. But not in the second one. It is never the personal mind(ego) that makes a choice for Truth. That, too, is the decision maker. A personal mind may choose a spiritual or religious path to for its own ends. But a real choice for Truth is the decision maker. If ACIM resonates with you it is resonating with the decision maker. It is the personal mind that is threatened by it.

What you write in the blog comments is the decision maker writing about its experiences with the personal mind and trying to transcend the personal mind.
will said…
What I have been looking at is a quote from the first page of Chapter 2, "Fourth, you believe (the decision maker believes, not the personal mind) that you are your own source and that what you are is your own choice." This is directed only to the sleeping mind (NOT to the personal mind, Will)to explain what has happened, that it is asleep. The purpose of forgiveness is to awaken the sleeping mind it has nothing to do with us as people doing the course. The course really has nothing to do with us as people other than to reflect back to the sleeping mind that it is asleep. Yes?
will said…
Liz, I wrote that last comment before I realized you had posted.
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, yes.
ACIM Mentor said…
Sage, actually all feeling is an illusion. All feelings are temporary. The question is, is the feeling helpful and pointing you in the direction in which you want to go? And whatever your goal, that is an illusion, too. Only God is real. Nothing here has any real meaning. God goes on untouched no matter what you choose to do or to not do. Realizing this is the bliss of forgiveness!
will said…
So all we are as people (personal minds)is as a conduit the Holy Spirit uses to get information to the sleeping mind. We are the plastic or steel in earthly conduits.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, ACIM is speaking to the decision maker in its identification with a self. So, yes, in its "sleeping" but choosing to "wake up" state. So it does have to do with you as a person. You can leave it at that and personalize the personal experience, which is all that most want. But ACIM also points beyond. And some of us have experienced Beyond and feel called to It. You will take from ACIM what you want.
ACIM Mentor said…
Will, the person (body/personality) and the personal mind (ego) are not the same. The person is neutral. The personal mind is a thought system in your (decision maker's) mind about you as a person. So, yes, if your mind is centered in the Holy Spirit than the person seems to interact with the world from that awareness.
will said…

I don't know that I have experienced Beyond but the pull is very strong. It is consciously there most every day.
Anonymous said…
Let's try this made up script to see if I get it . . .

Personal mind (ego): This body is overweight and should lose 30 pounds. I need a diet plan of feeding this body nothing but salads and exercising it at least 4 hours a day.

Decision maker: Sees the self judging thoughts of not good enough and wants peace, wants to awaken from this dream and chooses once again, asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Right Mind: Receives a two word loving response, “Self Love” and experiences Love's Embrace, losing the self judgment.

Personal mind (ego): Later takes this body for a ride and stops for ice cream. Orders a 3 scoop sundae topped with caramel sauce, chocolate fudge, cream topping, nuts and a big fat cherry. Eats the whole thing and feels fat and awful.

Decision maker: Understands the mind's resistance as this has happened many times before after receiving a miracle. So instead of eating the sundae with Love, her right mind, she ate it with guilt, her wrong mind and so once again looks to Truth in her mind.

Right Mind: Reminded, the problem is not outside yourself but in your mind and remembers the miracle “Self Love” and with gentle laughter, she smiles a chocolate fudge smile knowing none of this matters in Truth and goes for a walk with her pups who never judge and only see her Spirit. I am peaceful because God Loves Me. I Am Worthy, I am a perfect Child of God.

Decision maker: I need to post this on Liz's blog.
ACIM Mentor said…
Anonymous: Yes.
will said…
LOL. I have the same type of inner dialogue about weight loss and exercise. Problem is the decision maker/right mind is a pushover. It's going to give me the same feedback no matter what I do. On a more serious note, in my up's and down's with weight and exercise I found that weight makes a profound effect on the mind. This is way prior to ACIM. There is a real clarity that comes with weight loss. Luck to both of us.
will said…
Go to You Tube and put in the search: DDP Yoga. Then scroll down to the video "Never, Ever give up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation." I've done this DDP Yoga and it is incredible if you keep up with it.
will said…
There is a follow up which is great and gives more info: Arthur's Transformation (Extended Cut). Check it out.
Anonymous said…
Hi Will, There is something about a pro wrestler turned yoga guru, that points to an analogy. A pro wrestler, belief by some to be real changes to a yoga guru, a healing practitioner, which also carries belief, transformation as in the case of Arthur. Belief being the optimum word.

I was at my sisters this past weekend and the question was raised, "what is the key to weight loss, diet or exercise?" Well the debate ensued and then I was asked directly and replied, both and neither, it is what your mind's belief is. Then I hear a comment, oh Deb, you are so "out there" and I said, well, more like, "in there"! Ha!

Will, you are the second person mentioning yoga to me, hmm. I use to practice yoga and ddp's style looks restorative. So keeping in mind purpose, I will investigate. Still chuckling about a yoga instructor with the voice of a pro wrestlers. Sweetly received, Deb
will said…

It's the real deal. I used to run for exercise. I kept at it for a number of years. I ran 11 marathons in a two year period and god only knows how many other races. I was in my fifties when this was going on. I was running from 20-50 miles a week to stay in shape. For a period I got up every Saturday morning and ran 20 miles. Now running for me who has genetics from Yugoslavia and was built like those guys you see covered in grease wrestling over there was more like a jog. But I digress. If I did not stay on a strict diet I would gain weight even with all that exercise.

The links I sent you weren't meant to be watched with "belief being the optimum word." They are not an intellectual exercise to be figured out just a couple of videos that someone who is familiar with exercise found interesting and then followed up on. My hear rate while doing the exercises was in the 130's.
Anonymous said…
Funny, I use to run for exercise too. No 7 minute miles, maybe 10 on average and never 11 marathons, maybe a half once, Disney. I'll never forget the experience of love I felt run through me as I crossed over a small bridge while hearing Yanni music to what seemed like Heaven.

For some time I practiced svaroopa yoga for flexibility and peace. Now I walk and peace is found through my course practice. I was not kidding though, I will check out ddp further and it would be what Deb decides to do for self care, self love as it's purpose. Check out Liz's new blog on accepting what is. Peace out.

will said…
This is not yoga for peace or spirituality. It is about re-building the body for self care. I don't have anything invested in others using it.
Unknown said…
The Lord ( "Truth,Love") is my shepherd,I shall not want,....surely I shall dwell in the house of the Lord(the consciousness of Truth,Love) forever. What more does want ?

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