Is it your Holy Spirit?

Not all “supernatural” experiences are from Spirit.

When you hear your Holy Spirit, it is a still, quiet Voice. On reflection, it seems the Voice (which may be experienced by you as actual words or as ideas) came from out of time. There is no emotional charge. What your Holy Spirit imparts brings a sense of liberation. Your Holy Spirit does not micro-manage your life – help you with each decision. Your Holy Spirit lifts you out of a “life” that seems to be lived apart from God.

There are other “voices” mistaken for your Holy Spirit that are manifestations of ego. Sometimes you are simply getting clearer about what you really want. You may be trying to make a choice, for example, and feel that a certain way is the “right way”. Of course to your Holy Spirit, decisions in this world do not matter. The only decision that means anything is whether or not you will awaken to yourself as Part of God.

Other times you tap into the “universal ego”. There is really only one Mind, even though there seems to be many egos. “Psychic” experiences – when you know what’s going to happen, or what someone else is thinking, or how to do something you didn’t know how to do before, etc. – show us that all minds are linked. But this does not mean that the mind you are tapping into is your Holy Spirit. It may still be the mind that thinks it’s not of God, the universal ego. As the Course says in the Manual for Teachers: Those who have developed "psychic" powers have simply let some of the limitations they laid upon their minds be lifted. (M-25.6) You can use this ability for awakening or for glorifying the ego. Psychic experiences remind us we are one mind—that is their value. But they are not an end in themselves.

The more you experience your Holy Spirit the clearer the distinction will be.


Carrie Genevachild said…
Yes. Liberation. Following the lead of Holy Spirit, walking through the open door, is an exhilarating, liberating experience.

Writing these comments is a liberating experience.
hannah said…
this is very clarifying. relaxing!
It´s very confusing to distinguish what voice we hear, or if what pop´s into our mind is from ego or holy spirit. How can we realy know?
ACIM Mentor said…
Rafael, if guilt and fear continue or get worse, you are hearing the ego. You continue to feel bad, weighted down, dark. When it's the HS you feel relieved of guilt and fear. You feel a liberation; a lifting. You feel lighter.
Laurie said…
Excellent explanation of the two!

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