Ask: How does one differentiate between feeling spirit and energy from energy work?
“I was doing a meditation the other day that guides you
to feel the space around your body and eventually leads you to a state where
you are "no self". I noticed when I did the meditation that I
felt a sensation of energy (lightness, tingling, a distinct presence of
energy) and I did have a definite feeling of being something
other than my body. My question is how does one differentiate
between the feeling of spirit/a connection to truth and the energy that
you might feel that accompanies a level of our form (as in energy
work such as Reiki)? I had fear arise suddenly that I might be
strengthening form instead of connecting with truth..." – MB
If the feeling of being something
other than a body was an experience of the dropping of boundaries and an
expanded sense of Being then it was an experience of Truth or Formlessness. If
you were aware of only Being then you
experienced what A Course in Miracles
refers to as a Revelation. If the “something other” was an awareness that you
are mind, not a body, but you were still aware of the body or the world, then
you experienced a higher miracle. Your experience of lightness, tingling, and
the presence of energy were experiences of form. Your experience of not-body,
whether a Revelation or a higher miracle, was the cause of these effects-in-form.
There is always an effect in form
when you touch Truth either directly (Revelation) or indirectly (miracle).
Sometimes it is just taking a deep breath and relaxing. This is probably the
most common effect of touching Truth during meditation or even when just
touching Truth for a moment throughout the day. I’ve heard of others
experiencing what you described as well as things like hot hands or “chakras”
opening. One could also experience a spontaneous healing of the body or mind. After
direct Revelations I experienced an almost uncomfortable euphoria. Sometimes
the effect-in-form shows up as an expression of fear, like a panic attack or
subsequent illness after a Revelation or a higher miracle.
You only
need to be concerned if you confuse with Truth what shows up in form as an effect of your experience of Truth. The
experience of form is not Truth itself. The body is an idea in your mind and
your experience of Truth in your mind affects the ideas in your mind. But these
effects, like all form, have no meaning in themselves. Just as smoke reveals
the existence of a fire the effects of your mind only attest to the existence
of your mind. But it’s your mind, not its effects, that is real.
differentiate between Truth and not-Truth just know that if it happens in form
it is not Truth Itself. The cause of form may be your belief in not-Truth or
your awareness of Truth.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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I went back to the beginning of the 4 Habits and was reading about Truth and not-Truth. Just for arguments sake, regardless if the mind is split, both Truth and not-Truth are coming from the same mind. Not Truth is a creation by the same mind as Truth. Free will. So not-Truth, regardless if it is a dream, has as much seeming reality as Truth. If a person remains caught in not-Truth he is subject to all the realities of not-Truth, such as life after death, reincarnation, the devil and so forth. Yes?
You can also buy "Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace" in PDF at It's only $5. Then you can print it for yourself if you like. It's not very long.
Can you make anything happen in the dream? In the moment you can think anything you want about it. But it's not really happening at all.
Christine, I'm like you in that I enjoy holding a book with paper pages so I can highlight, etc., but you can highlight and put sticky notes on pages in the PDF version, which is what I have on my laptop. Liz's idea of printing it out is a great one too.
Not-Truth is not an "extension" of True Mind in that it is wholly unlike Truth. It is only a meaningless idea in Mind, but it is not Mind Itself.
There are no words to convey how wholly unlike Truth this personal experience is. Maybe using fire again - smoke is wholly unlike fire. If you did not know it came from fire and examined it on its own you would not know anything about fire except that it produced smoke. So it is with not-Truth. It in no way tells you anything about True Mind. Not-Truth is an effect of Mind with as much substance as...smoke.
I found it helpful to remember that just because something is real to me that does not make it truly real. I do not establish Reality. It simply is, quite apart from my understanding or not understanding It. Remembering this helped me put aside the ego's need to understand what it will never understand.
4 Habits, pgs. 2-3
Well, I have not had a direct experience. I have indirect experiences all the time but still it leaves me somewhere on the bridge crossing over to Truth. The ego is still very real to me and at the present time I can only use what tools are available yet the Holy Spirit meets me where I am.