Getting to Know Me, Getting to Know All About Me...
Last week I mentioned having thoroughly reviewed the ego
(personal thought system) in this mind and my relationship to it over the past
several months. There is nothing new to learn, but the review continues. It is
as though the echo of the ego is falling away in slow motion and as it falls
the Light shines through it and I see, in minute
detail, what it was and how I related to it. While it is a thought system of
fear, I no longer fear it. Getting to know my mind like this is the most intimate experience I have ever had.
It is also empowering. No illusions
about what’s going on here. It’s right in my face, moment by moment. There’s no
other power here. This is between me and me, and nothing else, which is why it
feels so intimate.
I have felt that the ego is gone in
all but my conscious awareness. My
conscious awareness is where I live moment by moment. Sometimes I’m in the
Awareness of Truth and I feel the echo hovering in the distance. Just as, when
I’m in the echo, I feel Peace surrounding me. In other words, my conscious
awareness is still split. That’s all, though, that remains of the split.
Though sometimes uncomfortable, and
often confusing, this stage is incredibly interesting.
Many years ago, in the first ten
years of my study of A Course in Miracles,
I had the most erotic dream I ever had. I was making love with a woman on the
floor of what was my bedroom at the time. And when I opened my eyes to see my
lover—she was me. I don’t mean someone I recognized was supposed to be me. I mean, it was me. I was making love to me! I
was both lovers. When I awoke, I understood right away what the dream meant.
It was many years, however, before
that understanding would come again. This was in 2008, when I was translating
ACIM into plain language. As I worked on the translation, the lesson that came
over me again and again like a thunderclap was that the spiritual journey I was
on was between me and me. There is nothing else in this mind but this mind’s
seeming-various parts.
And this lesson has been honed ever
since. Inward, inward; it is all inward. What you experience as your “world” is
your mind.
If you feel
it is time to look at your mind and want to benefit from my experience, email
me at to set up an appointment for mentoring. Learn more at
I have been in the experience of what is said in this article, yes, uncomfortable and confusing. The ego and it's ploys carry some emotional and laughable moments with a seeing of the identifier. This is all for me. I don't know what I feel as I watch my world and it's parts unfold.
Identities falling away if that makes sense? Even the one posting doesn't know about posting half the time but here I am. It's all for me.
A few days ago I heard myself voice an answer to a question that was on my heart and It said, "knowing is not going to change anything". Its the space I am in right now, being okay not knowing. Just being I guess.
Thank you, thank you.
Blessed by Love