A Whole New Experience of Existence
When the ego had fallen away but I had not recognized this,
I had an ongoing experience of detachment and something else, what I came to
call the “ghost in the world” experience. I wrote at the time that I felt like
Bruce Willis’s character in The Sixth
Sense (spoiler alert!): Walking the world as though part of it, not realizing
I was dead. Except, unlike his character, I knew I was not the same, although I
could not describe how.
A bit over a year and half ago I realized
I am Spirit. A couple of months later I felt this again and after that it came
over me now and then. I realized this was a more direct experience of the ghost
in the world feeling. But there was something to the experience I couldn’t
quite grasp. What did it mean to be Spirit? How do you go about being Spirit?
The experience faded as I went about dealing with all the other incredible
stuff occurring in my mind and life.
something crept quietly into my ongoing awareness: I am immortal. This is what the
ghost and Spirit experiences were.
I liked tapping into this
awareness, but, although it was ongoing, it stayed pretty much in the
background as I dealt with other things rising up and sloughing off in my mind.
(Really, the intensity of this time for this mind cannot be adequately
conveyed). And then one night I felt strongly it was time to look directly at
this. I realized like a thunderclap that I
have a whole new experience of existence.
This is why it felt like a death
and I grieved for all those months. An
entire experience of existence fell away. It really is like I died and went
onto Spirit and immortality—only the material world did not fall away. It is
still here—yet I feel I am in a whole new world. (The lesson here is that
consciousness, existence, and the material world are the same thing—but there
are two distinct experiences of them: mortal and Spirit).
It turns out the only thing that “dies”
is the experience of mortality.
Until the night I felt it was time
to look at my new experience I had been focused on my rise in consciousness, or
new way of seeing, which was oneness, or Love. But my central experience was immortality—Spirit. I am
Eternal Life Itself. I have no beginning and no ending. I cannot be harmed; I
cannot die. What is there to fear?
This is how this shows up: I feel I
am a vast Presence—Spirit. I am everywhere. This is the experience of oneness.
I have written of this before as being the Author of all that unfolds. The
person of Liz—what I have referred to as a character in the unfolding story—is
an element of my experience. I do not identify with her. I am not limited to or
defined by her. When I have to interact with the world I put Liz forward to do
so. And when I am done, she melts back into me and I just go on being.
Before this shift if I ever thought
about immortality or what it would mean to be Spirit I could not imagine it
from mortal-consciousness and gave up. I never expected to feel those things
anyway. My focus was always on peace. I had the expectation of peace growing in
my awareness, but as I was. I did
reach a point of significant peace and I assumed, looking ahead, that I would
grow even more peaceful and less attached to the world. In other words, I was
expecting what I already knew, a quantitative
rather than a qualitative shift. Without
knowing it, I was expecting to be an immortal mortal. I had no idea of the
complete change in the experience of existence that was to come. And I still
have not fully realized it, having taken only the first tentative steps into
this new world consciously.
Course in Miracles describes forgiveness in its introduction:
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
lies the peace of God.
I used to wonder: How would forgiveness
show up for me? Now I know: An awareness of immortality. The awareness I am
ACIM is difficult to understand and
often challenging to practice. If you want support and guidance from someone
who has been there email me at Liz@acimmentor.com to set up an appointment for mentoring. Learn more at www.acimmentor.com.
I could't describe it better.
But, do you ever ask once guilt is not there and you have reached this enlightened position, what are we here for once this mindset of spirit has taken over. What's next. Why are we still in a body? Etc.
I am not in a "mindset of Spirit" - that describes the spiritualized self I was before the shift. I am Spirit. Nor was I "taken over". What wasn't me fell away. I am also not "still in a body". That is why this is a whole new experience of existence.
I realize a lot of what I write now is like trying to describe color to the blind. I certainly did not understand until I experienced it. The most I can hope for with what I share is that readers take away that this shift can happen. And, when it does, that maybe they will get support and validation for some of their experiences from what I share, as I have done reading about others. There really is no way to be entirely ready for it and it is different for everyone. No two awakenings are exactly alike.
"From I am something to I am nothing could be called the path to understanding or wisdom, from I am nothing to I am everything could be called the path of Love. But at no time does a separate entity progress along this path."
My remark to Liz came from reading some books about people who have gotten to this stage only to crash and burn. You may have heard about some yourself. I'd give info on the books but it was years ago and I don't remember that much about it.
The Forgiveness part was from projecting my thoughts onto Liz. If I come across that book I'll post it.
i write again in gratitude for the gift of your posts.
i've yet to experience immortality as anything but a suggestion of something on the periphery of this Christ Presence within and connected to a deepening trust, of which i do have awareness. reading your words again has served to deepen that trust.
forgiveness has been the focus of my practice from the very first day i committed to the Course. it has continued to reappear in yet another and deeper form over and over again, always sweetening my life and amazing me with its gifts. now you share the only thing that dies is the experience of mortality and forgiveness is the awareness of immortality.
holy wow. i have left behind any thoughts of anticipating how my path is going to look and how i am going to perceive myself and the world even tomorrow...
the wonder is sublime.
endless Love, a sister
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