It's Simple
Physicists know that when their formulas to explain something in the material universe are long, detailed, and difficult, they have not yet landed on the answer. When they’ve hit upon the way the material universe works, the formula is elegant and simple.
And so it is with Truth. If you want to know Truth, you simply have to invite Spirit into your awareness and let It lead the way. There is no more to it than that, because in the end, Spirit is all that is real in your experience, and everything else but Spirit falls away.
You do not have to attain a
perfect state of consciousness. You do not even have to attain a perfectly
quiet mind when meditating. You do not have to use only right thinking all the
time. You do not have to be ego free. None of those things get in Spirit’s way
once you are following It. For a long while you will have two thought systems,
ego and Spirit, and Spirit will help you learn how to live with ego.
If your spirituality seems difficult or complex or seems to require a lot of effort, stop. Drop the things making it difficult or complex or effortful and turn to Spirit. It is What you are reaching for anyway. The difficulty and complexity and efforts are distractions or manifestations of guilt
If you have a question the answer to which you
feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer
it in this newsletter/blog.