Christ as a Different Consciousness
As a child, I thought Christ was Jesus’ last name until someone cleared this up for me. Somehow it was conveyed to me that Christ was a descriptive designation referring to what set Jesus apart from us ordinary folk.
Just before A Course in
Miracles came to my awareness, I was introduced to the idea that Christ
was a state of consciousness, not the divinity of one man. This made
immediate sense to me. I didn’t even question it and understood right away how
Christianity had it wrong applying this consciousness to just one man. I also
understood that Christ and Buddha were the same consciousness.
But just this point is what
has made it difficult throughout my life to discuss my path with others not on
a like path. To Christians certainly, but even to many non-Christians, Christ
refers to Jesus’ divinity and that’s the end of it and any other idea is
offensive or delusional. Most people, particularly in the West, have no idea
that Divinity Itself can potentially be realized by anyone—and that this is
what Jesus was trying to convey.
In fact, even in the Course
community I run across students for whom Christ still means only Jesus.
I do not know how they make sense of the Course, but maybe they do not.
Since the Course is dense and difficult to understand even for those who
know it says Christ is their Reality, perhaps those who do not understand this
do not realize that this is part of why they find it difficult to understand!
But even among those who
understand that a different consciousness is possible, there is a lot of
misunderstanding about what it is. Yes, there’s liberation from the limitations
of ego. Yes, there’s oneness and love and wholeness and security and an awareness
of your immortality. All lovely things. But Christ Consciousness is not just you
as you think you are now—a person—with the addition of those lovely things.
There’s a “cost” to Christ Consciousness, and that is the reality you think you
are in now. And that is not a small thing. The shift is disorienting, to put it
mildly. Imagine everything you feel is true is gone. It is like the ground goes
out beneath you and you have to acclimate to existing up in the air. Even with
decades of preparation, as I had, the shift tests one’s capacity for the
discomfort of facing the end of all that was familiar and discovering True
Consciousness is unfamiliar.
Nonduality has become popular
because people have tantalizing glimpses of the effects—liberation, love, unshakable
happiness—of this other consciousness and declare, “I want to be there all the
time!” It’s like it is the newest drug, and people are chasing it to be
relieved of the pain of ego-consciousness. But they are chasing effects and
not heeding the Source of those effects. As I’ve pointed out before,
those effects can be induced by more than Truth, like drugs, stroke, brain
tumors, and other brain diseases, revealing that they are only effects.
Chasing them means making an idol of them. It's just another version of ego’s
“What’s in this for me?”—seeking a higher state of consciousness for its own
sake rather than waiting for it to manifest in its own time as an expression of
Truth. There’s arrogance in the pursuit.
A genuine mystical experience
revealing Christ Consciousness comes with the awareness of the huge shift that must
occur for it to be permanent. This comes with at least a glimpse of
disorientation and usually fear when one occurs. The more you have mystical
experiences, the more you understand that they are only effects and do not
confuse them with their Source. You see that without their Source, they are
just another experience of consciousness.
If you have a question the answer to which you
feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer
it in this newsletter/blog.
I copied this to keep close to me: "But Christ Consciousness is not just you as you think you are now—a person—with the addition of those lovely things. There’s a “cost” to Christ Consciousness, and that is THE REALITY YOU THINK YOU ARE IN NOW. And that is not a small thing." Kay
Practicing the Holy Instant is doing exactly what it is saying. You are practicing being in the present moment. This is the only place that the Holy Spirit is. It does not start out as a comfortable thing to do. The ego will fight it. But for every moment you are present to spending time with the Holy Spirit He is rushing into your mind. His Holiness is rushing in. You are taking time away from the domain of the ego and giving it as a gift to the Holy Spirit. Anything you try to add to this practice will only block the Holy Spirit.