The Only I
The experience of ego comes with a strong sense of identity. “This is me,” it says of consciousness. Really, what it is saying of consciousness is, “This is real.” As consciousness is an illusion, ego is a delusion, or the idea that the illusion is real.
As the shift in consciousness
approached this mind, it often came to it that rather than the question “What
am I?” the better question is “What is real?” because the former question is
answered in the latter question. Only what is real could be said to be an identity.
The shift in consciousness was
Christ, God’s Extension to consciousness, revealed as the only “I”. The dawning
of Christ’s Reality in this mind’s conscious awareness pushed ego aside to become
the sideshow it is. It winds down, perhaps to become dormant someday.
When this mind began to have
experiences that showed the “I” was not the experiencer (consciousness), it was
confused to also see the “I” never actually identified with the experiencer.
Certainly, it seemed it had! Ah, but then it understood. The only “I” is not
this mind, or individual consciousness. The only “I” is Christ, Which is beyond
consciousness. And Christ is whole and complete. No part of Christ has ever
been lost to Christ, so no part of Christ must return to Christ. The “I” of
Christ, the Identity of Christ, Christ’s Reality, is untouched by consciousness,
which simply goes on beside it.
Consciousness is the
“alternate reality” meant to replace God’s Reality. It is represented for you
by the person. But it is neutral in itself and can only respond with thoughts
and experiences to the idea that consciousness is real (ego) or to the Idea of
God (Spirit), Which knows consciousness is not real and looks beyond consciousness
to Reality and Identity, Christ, Which is beyond consciousness.
What is interesting is the
experience of “I” did not change, only what it was applied to changed. Ego denied
Christ and pointed to consciousness as reality but could not change the sense
of “I”. It only misapplied it to consciousness.
For so long this mind tried to understand identity through ego, always trying to answer, “What am I?” in a way that satisfied ego, meaning looking to consciousness for the answer. It’s a whole other view from Christ. In Christ, the only “I” is Christ. Anything else is an illusion.
If you have a
question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer
it in this newsletter/blog.
When you read the course, the ego always speaks first.
This is the cause of your difficulty with understanding the course.
Preparation with the Holy Spirit is always needed prior to starting.
As you progress in the course the ego increases its intensity to match this.
It tells you that you have beaten it with your spirituality and progress in the course.
Never believe this.