The Difference Between the Movements of the Atonement and Spirit
A Course in Miracles teaches that consciousness—this experience of being a person in a world—is the Atonement, or the depiction of the correction of the idea of separation from God. This means that there are two parts to consciousness/the Atonement—the false idea, represented by ego, and its correction, represented by Spirit. Therefore, everything that unfolds in consciousness is the Atonement, whether ego or Spirit. But this does not mean that everything that unfolds in consciousness is Spirit.
As consciousness depicts a
moment that has already occurred—the idea of not-God arising and simultaneously
being undone by God’s All-encompassing nature—how it unfolds is already
predetermined, or, as the Course puts it, “the script is written.” In
that sense, whatever occurs, even ego, is a perfect movement of the
Atonement. But only the movement of Spirit is the movement of Spirit.
As one develops their
awareness of Spirit and advances spiritually, their movement is determined more
by Spirit and less by ego. In other words, their movements come less from a
sense of separation from God and more from the awareness of God.
Here's an example:
She didn’t realize this, but
this drama-fatigue was Spirit moving forward in her consciousness. She had been
following ego almost exclusively. Spirit was moving forward to correct this.
The therapist was not overtly
spiritual either, but she was aware of an “inner stability”, or “better
nature”, or simply just of the process of “growing up” whereby one learns to
question their impulses and consider their likely outcomes rather than to just
go with every feeling. She helped Heidi become aware of a “more mature aspect”
of her mind. Heidi began to think before she acted, she realized it was not
wise to simply follow her feelings, she made healthier choices, and her life became
more stable.
If Heidi stopped there, much of her life would still be an expression of ego with the occasional movement of Spirit coming in to correct. But if she moved on to a spiritual approach and grew her awareness of Spirit within, her life would depict ego less and Spirit more. Her life would manifest the Atonement. Either way, it's all the expression of the Atonement, if not all the movement of Spirit in the Atonement.
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