What the Real World is Like

 Last week I wrote that I do See I am in the real world. What I described as “Essence” a few weeks ago is the real world. And the real world is a world of Light, as I thought. It is both and more.

 I have sensed the real world around me since The Golden Light of Love burst into my mind five years ago. (See my memoir.) At first, there was so much ego left I could not reach the real world and what of it was in my awareness was distorted, or I was concerned it was. I didn’t trust my Seeing. After passing through a great deal of darkness, which I now realize was coming out of the delusion of identifying with a person (ego), the real world began to grow more in my awareness as ego continued to wind down in my mind.

People ask what I See. The problem is that trying to describe it is like using cubism to depict flowing water. If you’ve seen flowing water, you may think a cubist depiction clever, and recognize how it conveys flowing water. But if you have only ever seen a cubist painting of flowing water and never the real thing, when you finally do see flowing water, you will be shocked. It will not be at all what you expected.

There’s a reason spiritual experiences are described in metaphors and allegories and analogies. There is no way to convey something fluid and flowy with clunky symbols like words and concepts.

So, I will not describe the world of Light I See but tell you what it feels like.

When I was young, I would read books and wish I could be in the setting of some of them, whatever I found warm, inviting, comforting, secure. Something like, say, a grand, interesting house with beautiful gardens, a view of the sea, kind, loving people for companionship, with a quaint adorable village nearby and not a care in the world. I imagined how that would feel and that is how I feel now. Only, I have it without any of those things.

I feel whole, free of limitations, abundant beyond measure, deeply secure, and so gently taken care of, even during the harsh process I just went through. I have no needs or wants. So, my relationship to the material world has changed as I used to treat it as my (wholly inadequate) supplier of those things. I need nothing from the world and have no need to give anything to it. I have no use for it anymore! It has receded into the background. It is something just here with me.

I am the Source of the real world, so it is not something apart from me as the material world seemed to be apart from me in ego-consciousness. I am the Source of the material world, too, but it is nothing. The real world envelops it. I have yet to discover if that will have any effect on the material world for me. Either way, it doesn’t matter.

In the real world, I am only with my Self.

I used to imagine being in the real world was being as I was and just at peace. But that could not be because the former thought system (ego) was so out of sync with the real world it had to be broken down. I used to flash on the real world and want to be in it, but I did not realize the psychological adjustments that would be necessary once I stayed here. For example, the change in relationship to the world is dramatic, especially as far as relationships to others are concerned. They have no use or purpose! They just happen and I accept them as they come and go as expressions in the Atonement.

And while I experienced wonderful episodes of Oneness, I never considered how the Onlyness of God meant the Onlyness of me. I am All-that-is, so I am all that is here. At first, I experienced this with a sense of isolation but knew this could only be ego, and the sense of isolation has faded.

While the real world grows in my awareness, I continue to see into ego with x-ray vision as it falls away more and more. I have seen and experienced everything A Course in Miracles says about ego on levels I did not know existed. I could only see so much of ego from within it. Outside of it, the Course’s descriptions and explanations of ego are illuminated by experiences that reveal not just their fuller meaning, but the making of ego’s world, the world I thought I lived in, in my former delusional state.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
Jesus talking personally to Helen about her thinking (fear) and how to correct it. T-2.VI Fear and Conflict
will said…
When studying the course by ‘slow reading’ (goggle it) we may find that our normal reading experience has fallen away. Reading has become listening. Something is teaching you.
The text can seem almost impossible to read when you first start and for quite a while afterward. You are forced to slow down.
will said…
"You have a part to play in the Atonement, but the plan of the Atonement is beyond you." T-9.IV.2

Thank you Jesus! Don't have to think about that anymore.
will said…
We keep studying and learning the text and lessons not for our personal minds. If we allow it, we will be taught by spirit.

‘The Atonement will be expressed in whatever way is most helpful to the receiver. This does not mean that this is the highest level of communication of which he is capable. It does mean, however, that it is the highest level of communication of which he is capable NOW.’ T-2.IV.5

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