Coping With a World of Fear
There is a lot going on in the US that has many afraid in this country as well as around the world, as it is affecting, or has the potential to affect, the rest of the world. If you have an advanced awareness of truth, then you can turn to it and know that, in truth, nothing real is occurring and all is eternally okay. You feel this. But most reading this are either almost wholly in ego or have a split mind and must still deal with ego, and fear is a real experience for you. Understand that ego is fear. It, not what is appearing in the world, is the source of fear. Ego projects fear away onto what is appearing in the world to hide that it is the source of fear. This is the meaning of “you are never afraid for the reason you think”. You are afraid because ego is in your mind, period, full stop. There is no other reason . It is not helpful to repress or deny fear (ego). If you do, it will erupt in inappropriate, unhealthy, and sometimes destr...