
Showing posts from May, 2012

Pollyanna and True Perception, revisited

This week we revisit an article from The ACIM Mentor Articles (July 31, 2007) that discusses the distinction between denial, being a Pollyanna, and True Perception: >>>> Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, and 4 Habits for Inner Peace  at If you have a question that you want answered in the ACIM Mentor Newsletter/Blog send it to and indicate that you want it answered here.

Ask: Can you talk about co-dependency and intimacy in relationships?

Can you discuss in one of your articles co-dependency in relationships? And also, the basis for intimacy from a spiritual perspective. -LB             “Co-dependency” is a term that describes a lack of healthy boundaries in a relationship. It is the personal thought system’s (ego’s) dysfunctional response to your longing for the Unity (Wholeness) that you experience in Truth (God). It begins by you seeing you and another as incomplete. So you blur the line between where your personal self ends and another’s personal self begins to “join” and try to be whole. In practice this means you take responsibility for the thoughts, feelings, situation, and/or actions of another. Or you ask another to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, situation, and/or actions. This is unhealthy because it means you enable another to remain immature, dysfunctional, or in an active disease, like addiction or mental illness. Or someone else...

ACIM and Body Disorders

As a student of and mentor for other students of A Course in Miracles I have both experienced and seen how the ego’s (personal thought system’s) inherent guilt and fear distort its teaching. Some of the ego’s greatest distortions are around the Course’s teachings on metaphysics, or the relationship between mind and the universe of form. Guilt is provoked in particular around its discussion of the body and the manifestation of disorders (illness, injury, misalignments, etc.) in the body. What is stated in the Course as fact is viewed through the ego as condemnation or admonition.            Like most students of the Course I used to feel guilty when I got sick. I felt that I was failing. But this did not stop me from doing what I needed to do to take care of the body and relieve myself of pain or discomfort. So I have been shocked to learn that many students of the Course actually deny themselves relief from suffering, sometimes even refusing to seek...

Ask: What makes the Course different from other specific answers?

…Considering the topic of the latest newsletter (revisited on May 4, 2012, ) about specific questions being answered by Holy Spirit, and that those 'answers' aren't for anyone else, it's more about the fact that communion with HS is happening for that person regardless of answers:  What makes the Course in Miracles text any different? Were they answers to Helen's request for better ways to relate that were relevant to her and not necessarily to anyone else? Why are people gathering and sometimes almost forming a religion over answers that came just for Helen? Shouldn't we just be celebrating that she had a huge communication with Holy Spirit rather than trying to live by answers meant just for her and just for that specific time in her life? – BJ              A Course in Miracles is different because Helen Shucman kept out anything that was very specific to h...

The One Limit to the Holy Spirit's Guidance, revisited

From June 26, 2007: >>>>> Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, and 4 Habits for Inner Peace  at If you have a question that you want answered in the ACIM Mentor Newsletter/Blog send it to and indicate that you want it answered here.