Ask: How do you interact with the world when nothing has truth or meaning?
Liz, I think after so long and doing the workbook lessons again I'm beginning to at least grasp where you are coming from- theoretically. But where the rubber meets the road I haven't a clue how to do all of this. I have a spouse, friends, family and work with schedules, plans and expectations to make and meet within all this nothingness that has no truth or meaning. How do you interact with any one close to you- much less to us, your students? If nothing you see, hear or touch has truth or meaning how do you live and find meaning in each day? Of course you go inside and commune with "self" but this life goes on around you. Write a book or do a tape... You are in an existence here and now. Create a picture of what it looks like even to be "present" with you when you aren't present but closed off inside. Not knocking you or making fun of you. But I'm really missing something here… - LM The self’s life in the wo...