
Showing posts from June, 2014

Ask: Is it true that there is a peace sweeter than I can imagine?

“ Is it true, as the Course promises, that there is a peace sweeter than the peace I image will be mine when I become financially debt free? Because I can't seem to let that go. I fantasize about being debt free and the peace that washes over me is palpable. But it doesn't last. And the peace of God seems just as elusive. I've been studying the Course for about a year and I love the teachings but can't get past this.” – T             Oh, yes, there is a Peace so broad and so deep that there is no correlation to It in your experience of the self and its world. What you imagine you will feel when you are debt free is only the teensiest, weensiest taste of It. No, it’s not even that. What you imagine is a peace that comes from the fulfilling of a lack. That’s really just temporary satisfaction. The Peace of God (True Being) is far beyond that. It is a Wholeness so complete that lack does not exist There even as an idea. ...

Ask: Why is it so much work to awaken even when you want to?

"Why is it so easy to identify with the ego and it takes so much work to "awaken" even when you want to?" – T             You are born into a consciousness (ego) that is the opposite of Truth (God) in every way. It is real to you and you do not question it until one day maybe you do. Perhaps you question it because on some level you were open to Truth and had an experience that is not of this world. Maybe you question it because it never seemed to you to be all that could be. Or you may question it because you hit a bottom so low that you opened to Truth in desperation. In any case, it’s easy to identify with the ego because the ego is what you think is real and true! It’s all that you thought you knew.             It seems to take work to awaken (to be aware of Truth) because you have to undo your belief in a thought system (ego) as your reality that is wholly the oppos...

Ask: My rationale for my form of study is that ACIM is a hologram. What do you think?

“…I recently read that the Course is like a hologram (whatever that might be) in the sense that any part of it contains the whole. I've had an unconscious intuition about that and used it as a rationale for studying the Course the way I do - reading books that clarify its essence, not doing the daily lessons, not buying the Jesus connection etc. What do you think?” – ES             The kind of hologram to which you refer is one where a picture is made up of many pictures of the picture itself. For example, if you looked at each individual pixel in the picture you’d see that it is a miniature picture of the picture itself, shaded for its particular part in the macro picture.             It is true that as you become familiar with the themes of A Course in Miracles you will come across phrases, paragraphs, and sections that will make you declare, “Why, that sums up the w...

Ask: Do words have power?

Do words have power? Some teachers say we shouldn’t swear, be careful what we say about what we want or wish, etc. because words are powerful…                         No, words do not have power. They are empty symbols that have no meaning in themselves. They only have the meaning for you that you give to them. Your unconscious and conscious beliefs are powerful. Only they affect you and your words can symbolize them or they can contradict them. Words can lie. Feelings do not lie. Your feelings reveal to you what you truly believe, no matter what you say to yourself and/or to others.             (For example, it’s very common for students of A Course in Miracles to say, “I know the world isn’t real, but…” because they’ve read in ACIM that the world is not real. But they clearly still believe that the world is real ...