Ask: Why is it so much work to awaken even when you want to?

"Why is it so easy to identify with the ego and it takes so much work to "awaken" even when you want to?" – T

            You are born into a consciousness (ego) that is the opposite of Truth (God) in every way. It is real to you and you do not question it until one day maybe you do. Perhaps you question it because on some level you were open to Truth and had an experience that is not of this world. Maybe you question it because it never seemed to you to be all that could be. Or you may question it because you hit a bottom so low that you opened to Truth in desperation. In any case, it’s easy to identify with the ego because the ego is what you think is real and true! It’s all that you thought you knew.
            It seems to take work to awaken (to be aware of Truth) because you have to undo your belief in a thought system (ego) as your reality that is wholly the opposite of Truth. And you do this in the midst of a world that reinforces this opposite-of-Truth thought system rather than Truth. Even if you have directly experienced Truth you do not wholly trust It right away because It is unlike the experience of ego that you have thought was real. In your identification with the ego, lack seems like reality. So Truth, Which is an experience of wholeness like nothing that the world offers, seems too good to be true. And part of your experience of the opposite-of-Truth is a deep-seated, mostly unconscious belief that you are guilty for defying a power over and outside of you. So you don’t feel worthy of an experience of boundless love, peace, and joy.
So do you really want to awaken? Yes, you do, because you let Truth into your awareness. And once you did that, your journey to being aware of Truth was set. Now the story for the self in the world with which you have identified will be one of growing your awareness of Truth. But within this process of becoming wholly aware of Truth, sometimes, no, you won’t want Truth. It frightens you. It will take a long time to work out your deep-seated belief that the ego, lack, and guilt are reality. It will take experiences of Truth to Which you will open only very slowly because Truth is unlike your experience of the ego and because in your belief in guilt you think that Truth is really out to get you.
The contrast between the opposite-of-Truth and Truth is so stark that your mind could not go from ego right to Truth without going into shock. So the Course offers you a gentle process of awakening. Over time you have experiences (miracles) of Truth that first make you aware of It and then develop your trust in It. You have as many of these experiences as you are willing to accept. And as the Truth becomes true for you, you will find the willingness to question the guilt that blocks you from keeping Truth in your awareness.

It is a process. At any given moment you experience as much awareness of Truth as you are willing to experience. Your willingness, and nothing else, determines how aware you are of Truth. And when you want only Truth you will experience only Truth.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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Anonymous said…
Miracles happen when reading these blogs.
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad this question was asked and thanks for the great answer. I have come to realize although I say I want it very much there is so much undoing of the ego I must work on. I will continue and never give up. I am so grateful a teacher like Liz is there to support me and help me awaken.
will said…
It bothers me. About half the time I'm on board with this explanation but about half the time it seems so weak. Sitting here with what goes on in my head or taking a risk with the shock, hell I'll take the shock. Maybe I need to go with the Pentecostal's, that's probably all the shock does to you anyway.
Aleta said…
Liz, you have helped my husband and I SO MUCH on our Path to Truth. Thank you so much for having the ears to hear What the Holy Spirit wants you to pass on!
ACIM Mentor said…
You are welcome, Aleta.
Unknown said…
To me your message confirms the purpose and power of the ego and the state of suffering. The ego is the god of this world of mater wherein the Spirit dwels not. ACIM provides a mind-management tool for getting beyond the ego to access the Spirit -- if only for an instant!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jkwland said…
Liz the last two posts by you have been fantastic, thank you! We need to be constantly reminded how much unwinding needs to be done, and how much resistance we have to it. The ego wants us to think "we get it" when in fact its just the ego once again puffing itself up. Your weekly emails are very helpful, keep it up! Thanks!
ACIM Mentor said…
You are welcome. Glad you find them useful.
Marco-wado said…
It is hard sometimes. I can have such a strong feeling of longing to return to God, I get impatient. At other times I feel a quiet peace inside me, and I accept it will come in time, when I am really ready for it. Thanks for your wise and kind words.
ACIM Mentor said…
Marco, that quiet peace within you is God! You are already There. It is the ego that tells you that God is off somewhere in the future...

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