
Showing posts from May, 2022

Ask: I feel hoodwinked by ACIM...

            “…If I feel like taking a long break or even not going back to spiritual practice then that is the atonement working through me. …I feel almost angry that I was somehow hoodwinked, yes childish but true.”   “Why do you feel hoodwinked?”   “ I think because after doing the lessons in acim I felt like it was a guide to enlightenment.  I felt I could realize it.  The lessons do seem to espouse that way of thinking or so I believed.” – email exchange with Anonymous   THE Enlightened Mind is here within you now. So what is this other story that you need to reach It but an illusion of you? A Course in Miracles does teach this and offers the holy instant as the way to practice awareness of it. So, your choice is to spin in a story of not being enlightened or to turn this instant to the Enlightened Mind within you. Not all students read A Course in Miracles the same way. Some of my first articles pointed ou...

Spiritual Practice Expresses the Atonement

            Sometimes I see spiritual prescriptions written or spoken so casually, that make it seem so easy to be in Spirit-consciousness, as though it is just another way of thinking, and I wonder, did the teacher shift consciousness and not realize it or have they not, but glimpsed it, and think that is all there is to it? Because, let me tell you, Spirit-consciousness is not just another way of thinking in ego-consciousness. It is a whole other experience of existence. It is a whole different way of seeing. It comes from a different place in your mind than ego-consciousness, and the contrast is dramatic. I don’t say this to discourage but because it is the truth. Also, to let you know that if you cannot get past identifying with your thoughts, or you cannot love everyone the same, or you don’t feel Oneness everywhere, or you don’t see the world is not real, you are not failing. You are in ego-consciousness and those things are not natural in ego-con...

Awakening and Conscious Awareness

             When we talk about “awakening”, what we mean is realizing Truth in our conscious awareness . An individual consciousness is made up of conscious awareness , the subconscious , and the unconscious . Conscious awareness is what you are aware of right now in your mind, including what you see with the body’s eyes. The subconscious is what is just out of your conscious awareness, like when you are looking for your keys and you remember seeing them recently. You may or may not be able to call that memory up to your conscious awareness. The unconscious is what is out of your awareness but still in your mind. That would be most of consciousness. When you have no awareness of Spirit, It is still in your unconscious. When you feel the Presence of Spirit but are not seeing as Spirit, It is in your subconscious, just out of your full awareness. When you see as Spirit, Which is to See Spirit (Love, Oneness), It is in your conscious awareness a...

You Do Not Choose Ego or Spirit

I hear often from students of A Course in Miracles , “I am experiencing ego so I must want it and I must be choosing it.” A corresponding lament I hear is, “I feel I do choose Spirit, but nothing happens.” To both statements I say, “So ego would have you believe.” Consciousness is the expression of the Atonement (correction of the perception of separation from God) unfolding over time. God, being All, must contain the idea of Its Own opposite. But being All, God cannot have an opposite. So, the idea of not-God arose and was simultaneously undone by God’s All-encompassing nature, so there was no wanting or choice involved. The Atonement just is as God just is. But what it is, is false. You experience the idea of not-God as ego, yes, but it is an experience passing through your mind, or bit of consciousness. It is not you . Ego wants ego and ego chooses ego, so if you feel you want or choose ego, you are simply experiencing ego. You are Christ, God’s Extension. Christ is beyon...