Spiritual Practice Expresses the Atonement

           Sometimes I see spiritual prescriptions written or spoken so casually, that make it seem so easy to be in Spirit-consciousness, as though it is just another way of thinking, and I wonder, did the teacher shift consciousness and not realize it or have they not, but glimpsed it, and think that is all there is to it?

Because, let me tell you, Spirit-consciousness is not just another way of thinking in ego-consciousness. It is a whole other experience of existence. It is a whole different way of seeing. It comes from a different place in your mind than ego-consciousness, and the contrast is dramatic.

I don’t say this to discourage but because it is the truth. Also, to let you know that if you cannot get past identifying with your thoughts, or you cannot love everyone the same, or you don’t feel Oneness everywhere, or you don’t see the world is not real, you are not failing. You are in ego-consciousness and those things are not natural in ego-consciousness. You cannot make ego into Spirit.

Much of what is prescribed as spiritual practice or approach is what comes naturally in Spirit-consciousness. These are effects, not causes. If they were causes, then far more people would reach Spirit-consciousness than do so. Most everyone who ever entered a monastery or convent or studied Transcendental Meditation or the like would reach Spirit-consciousness, and most have not. Even among those who are committed and disciplined it is rare. Bernadette Roberts’ mentor distinguished what he called “true contemplatives” (like himself and Ms. Roberts) from the hundreds of others living contemplative lives in convents and monastaries because he saw a difference between those who were to shift and those who were to live the contemplative life but not shift.

When I say that I had it backwards, that Spirit-consciousness is not attained, but is rather an expression, and that my previous life did not lead to my shift in consciousness but was instead inspired by it, I mean it prepared me for the shift in consciousness, it did not bring it about. Until the shift, the practices that come naturally to me now, so that they are not practices but are a natural expression of my new State, grew my awareness of Truth, preparing me for the shift. They also mitigated the pain of ego-consciousness, which was their value to me at the time.

What is the difference between attaining and preparing? When you attain something, you acquire it by taking certain steps. But when you are prepared for something, you are made ready for it.

For example, to be accepted into astronaut training, a person meets a list of requirements for the training program. But once the position of astronaut is attained, the astronaut prepares to go into space through training for and acclimating to conditions similar to what he or she will experience in space.

I didn’t have to do anything to attain A Course in Miracles, my “training program.” It showed up as the way the Atonement was to manifest through this mind. But it prepared me for realizing Spirit by leading me to Spirit and then being the instrument through which Spirit gained my trust. My experiences of Spirit, not my spiritual practices, prepared me for realizing I am Spirit. The practices were expressions of the Atonement, so were inspired by Spirit. They helped me detach from ego. And they turned out to also be preparation for a shift in consciousness.

So, do not mistake practices that mitigate ego as practices to bring about a shift in consciousness. You do not have to worry about getting your practices right. You are not failing yourself if you are not disciplined. You have not failed if you have not shifted consciousness. However you are moved to practice expresses the Atonement. At least, your practice will mitigate the pain of ego-consciousness. Whether it is preparation for a shift or not depends on how the Atonement is expressed through you.

I realize some readers are discouraged when I point out they may not shift consciousness. I’m a terrible salesperson! I’m supposed to say, “I can show you the way, follow me…” But look around. It just does not work that way, and I think you know it. However, you are reading this and are therefore manifesting, if not realizing, the Atonement. I can tell you that before I shifted I had a good life in the world with Spirit as my Constant Companion. I do recommend that as the best way to be in ego-consciousness and I can teach you how. (See my 4 Habits for Inner Peace). And there is peace to be had in accepting your part in the Atonement as it is unfolding now, wherever it may lead. Keep in mind that the experience of consciousness is passing, whether you shift consciousness or not. It is not you. What you are is unaffected by it.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
Let Lesson 365 be your guide through the Atonement. Spend time with it daily.
Phil said…
I have been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I think it is wonderful and right that the shift in consciousness is given to us when we are ready, and not attained by us when we want it. The course's use of "forgiveness" never fully resonated with me... the term "surrender" hits much more to the point for me, although I understand it may be less palatable to a wide audience. I wonder, though, if "surrender" might be helpful for those who desire God, but are struggling to progress. "Forgiveness" seems to me a more active pursuit, and might work better with the heart's desire to be in charge and stand in opposition to the divine Will. It saddens me to think that many who desire God may simply not be ready, but I wonder if their heats may be brought into line through surrender.
will said…
I think (today) I have come full circle. It used to be almost anathema to think of the course as only a way to live a better life. Enlightenment was its only purpose. But when I looked at enlightenment as a goal the ego quickly entered and used it as a measuring stick to beat me over the head.

“What is a hundred or a thousand years to Them, or tens of thousands? When They come, time’s purpose is fulfilled” T-26.IX.4

The time we experience is also where the “hundred or a thousand years or tens of thousands" exist.
will said…
Well, I was looking through the ego's eyes on the above quote.
will said…
Space/Time and Enlightenment

This weeks blog mentions an episode that Bernadette Roberts and her mentor saw a difference in those that would experience a shift and those that wouldn’t. I have been reading and re-reading a section in the Chapter “The Transition” section “The Immediacy of Salvation” (Chapter 26 Section VIII) for about a week trying to understand what it was saying. It seemed to be addressing this problem and giving a way of solving it (notice the title The Immediacy of Salvation).

“The one remaining problem that you have is that you see an interval of time between your forgiving your perception of separation from God and your receiving the benefits of trusting in the Oneness of your Christ Mind… Do not be content with future happiness. This has no meaning and is not your due.”

Time is not the problem. Your separation from God is. The failure to be living in the Now, the present moment with the Holy Spirit. We all say we want enlightenment but find practicing being in the Present (time with God) uncomfortable and draining. “Maybe the shift will show up on its own.”
You can work your way through the section and see what you think.
will said…
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will said…
Quotations from Liz's MACIM
will said…
Time is the ego's smoke screen to keep us from looking at the real problem which is our separation from God.

Remember the Separation that started all this?
will said…

Time is the world we live in that keeps the real problem of space out of our awareness (space is separation from God)
will said…
Trying different ways of breaking it down so it is easier to understand

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