
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Only I

             The experience of ego comes with a strong sense of identity . “ This is me ,” it says of consciousness. Really, what it is saying of consciousness is, “ This is real .” As consciousness is an illusion, ego is a delusion, or the idea that the illusion is real. As the shift in consciousness approached this mind, it often came to it that rather than the question “What am I?” the better question is “What is real?” because the former question is answered in the latter question. Only what is real could be said to be an identity . The shift in consciousness was Christ, God’s Extension to consciousness, revealed as the only “I”. The dawning of Christ’s Reality in this mind’s conscious awareness pushed ego aside to become the sideshow it is. It winds down, perhaps to become dormant someday. When this mind began to have experiences that showed the “I” was not the experiencer (consciousness), it was confused to also see the “I” never actually i...

Ask: Why does the Atonement appear to play out over time?

  “…why does Atonement, which occurred in an instant, have to (or appear to have to) play out over time?” –DM   God, being All, must contain the idea of Its Own opposite. But being All, God cannot have an opposite. So, as soon as the idea of not-God arises it is simultaneously undone by God’s All-encompassing nature. The idea of not-God is impossible. Its seeming occurrence (consciousness) is an illusion. As God is Timeless (Eternal), the idea of not-God contains time, so what was over in an instant seems in the illusion to take time to work out. This expression of an instant unfolding over time is the Atonement, or the correction of the perception (consciousness) of separation from God. The Atonement does not have to happen. It is an illusion; it only seems to happen.   Time is the illusion on which the rest of the illusion rests. This is why A Course in Miracles emphasizes the holy instant as an essential practice. In the holy instant you step out of the il...

What the Person is Here to Be

            Clients and readers will say, “So-and-so teacher says we are all here to play.” Or, “So-and-so teacher says we are all meant to be happy.” Or, “So-and-so teacher says we are all here to love one another.” What those teachers describe is true of the real world, but not of ego’s false world. I do not know if they are in the real world when they say this and are speaking for themselves or if they have glimpsed the real world and think it is what the false world is supposed to become. But you cannot apply what is true for the real world to ego’s false world. And you cannot make the false world into the real world. They are two completely different states of consciousness and experiences of existence. It is true that if you touch the real world, it will have an effect on you and your perception of the false world in a lovely way, what A Course in Miracles calls a miracle. But that is only a temporary effect in the false world. The world is the ...

No Need to Face the Void of Consciousness

  I very briefly considered becoming a contemplative when I was young and just starting out on my spiritual path. My path has been A Course in Miracles from the start, and as that is not the way of the Course , I was very shortly led away from it. But for a very long time I still felt drawn to a life of contemplation of God because I had experienced God directly and wanted to know God…more. But somewhere along the way this desire dissolved. And it did so because I discovered it was not necessary to spend my life sinking deeply into my mind to find God. I now know what I would have discovered was my mind (consciousness) but that did not mean I would have found God. In fact, it could have been a way to avoid God as God is right here, right now. I never had to reach for God. Reaching for God can sometimes mean reaching past God, like when reaching for the mayo in the refrigerator and missing it because it’s right up front and you are looking for it beyond it. Some clients and re...