What the Person is Here to Be

           Clients and readers will say, “So-and-so teacher says we are all here to play.” Or, “So-and-so teacher says we are all meant to be happy.” Or, “So-and-so teacher says we are all here to love one another.”

What those teachers describe is true of the real world, but not of ego’s false world. I do not know if they are in the real world when they say this and are speaking for themselves or if they have glimpsed the real world and think it is what the false world is supposed to become. But you cannot apply what is true for the real world to ego’s false world. And you cannot make the false world into the real world. They are two completely different states of consciousness and experiences of existence. It is true that if you touch the real world, it will have an effect on you and your perception of the false world in a lovely way, what A Course in Miracles calls a miracle. But that is only a temporary effect in the false world.

The world is the unfolding Atonement, or the correction of the perception of separation from God, which occurred in an instant but seems to play out over time. In the Atonement, each person plays a unique role in its unfolding so there is no one-answer-fits-all for what each is here for. But as it is already over, no one can fail to play their part perfectly.

So, what is the person in your mind here to be? Whatever they are! Playful or serious. Happy or sad. Loving, hateful, or indifferent. Aware of God or not. Perhaps something between all of these. Whatever it is, it will be perfect because it will be whatever it is meant to be. So, just let the person’s story unfold as it will and do not worry that it is meant to be something else. It is not Reality. It is nothing.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


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