Ask: Why does the Atonement appear to play out over time?

 “…why does Atonement, which occurred in an instant, have to (or appear to have to) play out over time?” –DM


God, being All, must contain the idea of Its Own opposite. But being All, God cannot have an opposite. So, as soon as the idea of not-God arises it is simultaneously undone by God’s All-encompassing nature. The idea of not-God is impossible. Its seeming occurrence (consciousness) is an illusion.

As God is Timeless (Eternal), the idea of not-God contains time, so what was over in an instant seems in the illusion to take time to work out. This expression of an instant unfolding over time is the Atonement, or the correction of the perception (consciousness) of separation from God. The Atonement does not have to happen. It is an illusion; it only seems to happen.

 Time is the illusion on which the rest of the illusion rests. This is why A Course in Miracles emphasizes the holy instant as an essential practice. In the holy instant you step out of the illusion of time to be with God (Timelessness/Reality) now. When your mind returns to time from the holy instant, time’s grip is lessened, loosening the whole illusion in your mind. 


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