"Master" Teachers

Students have asked me what I think about people who are called “master teachers”. Some who are referred to as “master teachers” use A Course in Miracles and some use other teachings. Students seem to want to know two things: Do I believe a person can be a “master teacher”? And how can they know who to trust?

The Master Teacher is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is within you. When looking for external teachers there is always the risk that you will not learn this and will mistake another “person” as having something that you do not have. An advanced teacher of God will always point you inward to God and will teach you that the Truth in you is the same as the Truth in themselves. We are in the world to teach only as long as we need to learn. Therefore, there is no difference between teachers of God, except time, and what is that but an illusion?

Really, you are your own teacher because you learn from others what you project or extend – separation from God or Oneness with God. As a mentor of students of A Course in Miracles I can tell you from experience that students only learn what they want to learn. Books, tapes, lectures, mentors, advanced teachers – all of these are open to being misunderstood based on your own projections, or used as a tool for awakening when you choose to learn from the Holy Spirit. Remember, the Master Teacher is always within you and you can learn from It at any time, through anyone or anything. This you can trust.

"As you teach so will you learn." If that is true, and it is true indeed, do not forget that what you teach is teaching you. And what you project or extend you believe. (T-6.III.2)

Receive this bi-weekly blog directly in your email by contacting Liz@acimmentor.com.Now available at www.acimmentor.com: Understanding A Course in Miracles: A Quick Reference for Students


Anonymous said…
Well Dear Liz, you are the closest thing to a "master teacher" I've seen yet for me. Your posts have straightened out a lot of things I've been through and need corrected
Thank you very much for making this site with your experience.

Love Light & Blessings MGP

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