Jesus' Miracles
This is the last ACIM Mentor Blog of 2007 as I will be on vacation December 22-30. In the new year the ACIM Mentor blog will become a weekly blog. Happy Holidays! ***** Did the miracles Jesus performed that are reported in the Bible really happen or are they metaphors? Did Jesus really heal the sick, make the blind see again, walk on water, still a storm, turn loaves of bread into fish, and turn water into wine? Or are these metaphors for the healing that occurs in the mind when you accept Christ Consciousness – the awareness that you are One with God? The answer is: It doesn’t matter. Let’s talk about calming a storm. What is the difference between Jesus saying, “Peace be still” and a storm calming or a person accepting their Christ Identity as Truth and being calm no matter the storms churning around them? There is no difference. It is the acceptance of peace in either case that is the miracle. Miracles as such do not matter. The only thing that matters is their Source, which is far...