Ask: Will you share how your practice started and has evolved?
“Would you do a blog
on how you first started practicing and how it has evolved over the years? I
would be very interested to hear that and I'm sure it would be a big help to a
lot of people.” – WW
spiritual path began in 1984 with A
Course in Miracles. I was 20 years old. I had been doing some other
psycho-spiritual reading before I found ACIM but ACIM is what grabbed me. Its
teaching was really my whole path until study fell away naturally.
In the
beginning I did not really practice. Oh, sure, I did the lessons. But I was terrified
and I could hardly stand to read them every morning and evening. If I
remembered twice a day to do those lessons that were supposed to be done every
hour it was a good day! However, much more sunk in than I knew at the time. I
repeated the Workbook for another year and didn’t do much better
But my
“practice” for a long time was really just reading. I was very hungry for ACIM.
I read the Text and Manual for Teachers as I did the Workbook. I couldn’t get
enough of it. Early on I experienced higher miracles and the miracle of a holy
relationship. These experiences showed me directly that what ACIM said was
true. But I pushed those experiences aside and focused on understanding ACIM.
Reading was when I allowed myself to feel the Holy Spirit. And because I had a house
cleaning business my mind was free much of the time. So at some point I began
to use that time to bring my questions about ACIM to the Holy Spirit (I
actually didn’t call It “the Holy Spirit”
then. I didn’t call It anything. I just called
on It.) I did not always accept Its answers right away. But I was always
answered, and usually accepted them within a few days. The answers sometimes
came into my mind as unformed thoughts or intuitions. Sometimes the answers came
from a book or someone else.
I was
probably about five years into this before my trust in the Holy Spirit was
enough that I started bringing to It questions about things in the world.
Decisions, yes, but the Holy Spirit also functioned as a type of therapist and
guide for me. However, I wasn’t really practicing the principles of ACIM in my
daily life. I read, I meditated in a superficial way, and I asked for the Holy
Spirit’s help now and then.
I met my
wife in ’94. She was in a 12-step program and she told me that it was like I
had my own program. What she saw was that I was willing to take responsibility
for my own thoughts and feelings. But I didn’t have peace. My efforts were
largely in trying to understand ACIM. Once I was miserable over some guilty
reading of ACIM and she said to me, “I’ve never known anyone who could think
about God so much.” This really struck me. I realized I was thinking not
practicing. But I still didn’t put much into practice. I just stopped thinking
too much!
Then in the
late 90s spiritual study tapered away naturally for me. I got away from all
spirituality for about 2 years. (In that time I did take a year to read the
Bible from beginning to end but it has never functioned as a spiritual teaching
for me). Then one day I picked up ACIM again and I was hooked with renewed
commitment. I knew I was not going to let go again. This time, though, my
reading of it was very different. I came back to it with fresh eyes. I still
read guilt into it, but not as much as before. And where I had once understood
pieces of it here and there I now saw the whole message. I saw how every part
fit together. It was like for me there was a book within the book. (This
eventually became the book The Message of
A Course in Miracles).
understood ACIM now because I allowed myself to read it through my experiences
of Truth. Over the years I’d had the rare Revelation (only Truth) and the
occasional higher miracle (seeing that Truth is true and illusion is illusion
but still aware of both) but I had pushed them aside. Now I realized I had to
let them fully in or I’d just go in circles merely reading ACIM and not
experiencing any real shift toward peace.
This is
when I entered what ACIM calls the “period of relinquishment”. I found an
incredible willingness to follow only the Holy Spirit. I allowed the Holy Spirit
to work in me and through me. My trust in the Holy Spirit really deepened
during this stage. It became my primary relationship and constant companion. I
brought It with me into all of my relationships. My meditations became
meaningful as I used them to truly open to Truth rather than to just go through
the motions.
There was a
direct correlation between my awareness of the Holy Spirit and the peace I
experienced. One day I realized that peace had come to stay in my awareness. I
was still aware of the ego, but peace never left. And since then it has only
grown in my awareness. When others asked me how I stayed centered I thought about
it and realized that I did four things to stay centered. These are my 4 Habits for Inner Peace, which I
eventually also wrote a book about. After a while they were just my way of
being in the world.
So now
there’s no “practice” so much as a way of being. It’s natural to me to know
that what I experience comes from my own mind. So I attend to my mind. Each day
is about maintaining my awareness of my wholeness in Truth.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
If you have a question the answer to which you think will help others send it to and indicate that you want it answered in the ACIM Mentor Newsletter/Blog.
One event lead to another and I ended up obtaining a copy of A Return To Love and subsequently brought a copy of The Course. I'm not going to say I've been a "roaring success" with it but after what I'd been through in A.A. I wanted to know more about this side/aspect of "God" and spirituality. There's absolutely more to things than meets the eye and there's no reason why anyone can't do the lessons, as they are available for free on line today.
Thank you for doing this "M"
One question though, I've been experiencing the ego's resistance to love, both in body and psyche. Did you experience this along your path and can you address how you best handled the fear to look at the Love that manifests to physical ills and low moods?
How does one deal with the utter helplessness and failure to "get it"? Really Get It!