In the Flow of the Universe

Many years ago I met a woman who told me that as soon as she wanted something for the self it manifested for her. This had never been my experience. In fact, I was confused about the whole manifesting thing. (This has since become popularly known as the “Law of Attraction” because of the book that brought together long held ideas behind manifesting what you want). I was left wondering if she truly did manifest what she wanted or if the desire for something grew in her just before it showed up. Maybe she was just in tune with the universe of form.

I first learned about manifesting when I was a new student of A Course in Miracles. The theory, as I understood it anyway, was that what did or did not show up in the self’s life was determined by my own thoughts. If I didn’t have what I wanted for the self it must be because of obstacles within me. For example, maybe I felt unworthy of or afraid of what I wanted. I was supposed to dig around in my mind for those obstacles and, if I removed them, lo and behold what I wanted would show up. My initial discomfort with the idea of manifesting, or attracting, what I wanted was the recognition that I would only be concerned with what did or did not show up for the self if I thought that this was the cause of my peace or conflict. Wasn’t I learning that being aware of God (True Being) was the only lasting source of peace and happiness? I wasn’t there yet, but I felt early on that concerning my mind with manifesting was a distraction from being aware of God (True Being).

My other problem with the concept of manifesting was that I had always intuited the flow of the universe of form, whether I wanted to or not. Sometimes I wanted something for this self but would feel that it was not going to happen. Sometimes the feeling was “not yet”. Other times I would know that what I wanted was coming soon. Also, desires for the self would shift. They would show up or fall away. Yes, I was sometimes aware of unworthiness or fear when it came to something I wanted. But more significant to me was the sense that I was trying to force something to happen if what I wanted didn’t jive with my intuition about the flow of the universe. And how was I supposed to know what was best for this self, anyway? It doesn’t live in a vacuum. Anything that shows up for this self affects others selves, too, especially those close to it. Wasn’t this self’s life part of a larger picture? It always felt that way to me.

I learned to look for the “flow” rather than to try to force what I wanted to happen. I was not happy with this, because I wanted what I wanted. But I always eventually concluded that it was easier to ride the flow than to swim against it. Especially since swimming against it wasn’t going to make happen what I wanted to happen anyway!

Eventually I gave more and more of the self’s life to the Holy Spirit (Teacher of Truth in my mind). It has become clear to me recently that some of what I thought was guidance from the Holy Spirit over the years was really my tuning into the flow of the universe. Where the Holy Spirit came into it was in my willingness to be rational, open, and without judgment.  This opened my mind to the flow of the universe of form. So the Holy Spirit was not so much my guide as my mind-set. But even though I sought the flow, rather than to manifest what I wanted, I still lived through the self. I sought through it for happiness and peace. But when I undid guilt I let go of a need for a story – for a self. I let the self go into the flow of the universe – where it always was, anyway. It was always just a character in a story, though I selfishly thought it was there for me to live through! Now I simply watch it, without judgment. Since I don’t identify with it I am not concerned with controlling its life. It is only part of a meaningless story that has nothing to do with Truth.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at


Anonymous said…
Thank you. Life has a rhythm. For me I found that if you have enough Personal Power/charisma and clear mindedness things things will just fall into your lap and it's up to me weather to say yes or no to whatever it is that being offered. Intuition and the way you carry yourself helps a great deal, at least for me. that's what makes this thing an adventure.
Unknown said…
"Now I simply watch it, without judgment. Since I don’t identify with it I am not concerned with controlling its life. It is only part of a meaningless story that has nothing to do with Truth."
jkwland said…
My experience with manifesting is its my ego that "wants" to manifest. When I'm in a mode of trying to make something happen I'm in ego and I've lost my way. When I join with the Holy Spirt things just appear to support my journey. I guess that's manifesting, but it's not me doing it. So whenever I think I need something, I have to release that thought and join with the Holy Spirit who reminds me I need nothing and I am eternally supported, then whatever happens, happens, and I walk on. Sometimes this works better than others, but when it works, I walk on in peace and abundance and know I am at one with God. The rest of the time the ego kicks and screams every step of the way and I realize I never let go of the want. Oh well, tomorrow is another day......
jacomina said…
Maybe you cant really say "No". Saying "No" is saying "Yes" because whatever you're thinking about you're holding in your reality. If I lose my job then immediately I react by searching for new income with feelings of fear and guilt. That's not going to bring anything but more situations that match fear and guilt. So I dont think we can ever really say "No" to what is. But we can say "Yes" to our feelings of fear and guilt. I think both paths merge. Surrendering to our feelings is how we get quiet and then we can let go and be peaceful. It makes sense then that you will manifest peace and whatever material things that create that for you.
suzanneberry said…
I too became sidetracked by manifesting. Before I knew it I was knee deep in vision boards and wish boxes. I figured I would spend the first part of my day with the Course and the second with the Law of Attraction. As is always the case, thank goodness, my emotions lit the way back to the Course and I realized focusing on all this stuff led me further away from Truth instead of toward it, becoming further intrenched in the dream. Manifesting in the illusion amounts to nothing showing up nowhere. Nothing here, not the body or what it thinks it wants, needs or manifests has ever brought me lasting peace or happiness. It always changes and at some point is no longer there for me to project my thoughts onto. My husband suddenly transitioned three years ago and I've replaced my need for him with my two pugs! And now I'm being shown that my need to keep them healthy and with me is just replacing Love/Truth with another form, another idol that will at some point dissolve. Identifying with a body is painful and frustrating however it ultimately leads to the Truth, if you want it to. Basically it becomes a function of whether I will tire of running headlong into a brick wall, illusory though it may be. There is nothing here, not even the self I still identify with, that will bring me the Peace of God. That said, expecting the best in the dream and believing I deserve it is fine, as long as I don't believe I need it to be happy, safe and loved.
jacomina said…
Maybe you cant really say "No". Saying "No" is saying "Yes" because whatever you're thinking about you're holding in your reality. If I lose my job then immediately I react by searching for new income with feelings of fear and guilt. That's not going to bring anything but more situations that match fear and guilt. So I dont think we can ever really say "No" to what is. But we can say "Yes" to our feelings of fear and guilt. I think both paths merge. Surrendering to our feelings is how we get quiet and then we can let go and be peaceful. It makes sense then that you will manifest peace and whatever material things that create that for you.
Michael said…
I can understand the "attraction" to "manifesting". It attracted me at first, also. But at the same time, I had already begun to question my identification with the personal self. So I could see how this "attraction", although potentially a beneficial rung on the ladder, still made the error real. Somehow I looked at it and then moved on. Now I can begin to see that "manifesting" is not good or bad, just part of that meaningless story that Liz refers to.
Anonymous said…
I was just journaling this morning about a role I've been playing in the story called my life. A profound awareness finally made it's way through in totality. Long time lesson (trials are but lessons I failed to learn). I call this part of the story “Nobody Cares”, a story of a woman abandoned and alone after the passing of her spiritual mentor and beloved husband. Remember this is a story. I started to become aware of how I was holding grievances towards the others, my family and friends that seemingly abandoned me over the past few years and how nobody seems to care. They only come into my life on their terms, when they need something from me, popping in and out or not at all, mostly not at all lately. What does this mean? Well you see as the story goes, I am feeling unworthy of God's Love and because I feel so guilty from separating from Him, I deserve to be unfairly treated. I wonder, did I manifest this, call this to me, set this up? Well ya, since I wanted to play the victim of the world, this is a great script. I feel so damn guilty I deserve to be punished. Didn't I manifest this because I wanted this? I chose from the ego's scripts under the heading “guilt deserves punishment” so now I have lots of people to project all the blame onto, the others that have abandoned me, that don't care. So then to really punish myself, I won't go anywhere so I imprison myself. My choice. So now what does one do to manifest freedom from this hell and thus choose differently. Forgiveness! Looking at the insanity, I take back responsibility and then forgive it and let it go to be released by this fearful story and choose Love. Now I go to the scripts with the heading “God's plan for salvation”. Choosing a different script, a different Teacher doesn't necessarily mean others will start flocking to my home (God help me) but now it matter's not, because with choosing the peace of God, what will manifest will be only that that matters, the Truth in my mind, not anything in the world. I wake to now, to salvation, to my true being, to God's Love.
Hal Seeley said…
"I let the self go into the flow of the universe." Possibly no better way to describe "letting go".
Very well explained. I have had similar thinking about it. I can see how easy it is for the "little" self, the ego, to take this as a method and amplify itself, so one must be careful of that. And as one does not buy into the ego doing that, then what does act is something larger.
Thanks for sharing this.
will said…
Excellent anonymous
will said…
Overall one of the best comment sections I have ever read.
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure if anyone is going to read this comment but I could not resist sharing. Remember my story "Nobody Cares", how I am abandoned and all alone. How I commented, choosing a different script doesn't necessarily mean people will start flocking to my home (God help me). Well I get these emails and phone calls from my siblings yesterday as they are attempting to find the solution for my Mom who can no longer live alone. So guess who is being looked at as the solution. Now of course my home is my Mom's home but people, I am the middle child of 14 brothers and sisters and an aunt to 17 nephews and nieces plus they are beginning to have children and guess where they will be flocking to? Talk about manifesting! I obviously handed this over to the Holy Spirit and asked "what the flock"?
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure if Liz would have any input on this but to share what just happened . . . After I handed my family flock over to the Holy Spirit, this is the insight I received.

I asked for a miracle and in the bathroom while getting ready which by the way is when I receive many a miracle. Evidently I am able to let go enough to receive the answer. So as I was putting on my face, I was able to see me in everyone. Everyone that was involved yesterday in resolving my Mom's situation, starting with my Mom, being alone, (victim), then shifted to seeing my sister Elaine, Mom's primary caregiver (rescuer) who has developed grievances of late, (victim) and my sister Rose, flying up from Florida to put the plan in place (rescuer) and the rest of the family flock (victimizers). Seeing myself in everyone, I saw we are all the same and after all, there is only one of us.
ACIM Mentor said…
Yes, that is a miracle, Anonymous.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Liz for your affirmation.
Sage Starfield said…
Liz, I'm wondering about the Law of Attraction and SELF and opposed to self. I think it limiting to think of the LOA as only applying to self. My experience has been one in which there is no discord between the LOA and ACIM. My experience is one of attracting more SELF as I drop the isolation of the self and become more connected with SELF. Not sure if I'm being clear, but the LOA to me feels like working cooperatively with Spirit, and thus manifesting more of what the power of that connection provides, which (in my experience:) is completely in alignment with ACIM principles. There is no need to limit your discussion to small self and physical "reality", as the LOA actually works on a much higher level in accordance with Spirit (in my experience :) and the way Spirit manifests in ALL dimensions.
ACIM Mentor said…
I'm not familiar enough with the Law of Attraction books to be able to comment on your experience, Sage. I simply mentioned what I learned as "manifesting" back in the day is now more commonly referred to as "attracting". And I was limiting this article to the concept of attracting on the level of form. But, really, the same would hold for manifesting on any other level. I've learned to let it unfold on every level rather than to pursue my own agenda.
Sage Starfield said…
Thanks Liz. One of the key concepts in manifesting/attracting is to work with thoughts and intentions and then LET IT GO! The details of the way Spirit responds can not be known or controlled by the small self, but if we are open to receiving Spirit's gifts, then a whole new abundant realm of connection (which IS abundance!)becomes available to us - yes, on all levels, perhaps the least important of which is that of form!
hannah said…
i cant get a handle on what 'the flow of the universe of form', and being aware of that, really means. and if whatever it is, is helpful or simply enjoyable.

hang on, is it like.. being intuitive, and trusting your intuition?
ACIM Mentor said…
Some seem to better intuit the flow than others. The value of quieting your mind is it helps you to be aware of the flow.

It is helpful because you are not filling your mind with unnecessary effort trying to make things happen.
hannah said…
ok, so what im understanding is that being in the flow involves less thinking, less problem solving (due to less perception of things as problems) which limits the distractions that ego uses to keep us mindless? so its helpful as it opens our minds to being mindful in truth? oh. it just occurred to me.. problem solving encompasses directing things toward joy. so..wanting and not wanting, not enjoying and enjoying, can have the same effect as far as keeping me mindless goes. oh. or they can both teach me to turn toward remembering that only the truth is true.

reading over the post again, this leapt out at me

"But when I undid guilt I let go of a need for a story – for a self. I let the self go into the flow of the universe – where it always was, anyway." gee, talk about happy/sad and want/not want coexisting. i want to be a character who is choosing to awaken! me thinks it may be time to read releasing guilt for inner peace!
mntlady said…
Thank you for the gentle reminder. Being faced with no where to move and no financial resources to go anywhere, I am stymied by the fear. Yes... this moving ordeal has shown up in my life so many times and it some how comes together. This time it is bleak and the option of leaving the planet is awfully strong...because I have no where to go and an apartment filled with what is left of my life...and I feel as if I do not have any input from HS at this time. I so need guidance because I have no family. My last move was to this town, where I knew NO ONE.. that has presented more challenges than I could handle I am getting the lessons but the reality of being homeless and literally losing my life is just what is being seen in this dream. I appreciate any observaations that could bring me to peace...since my only option where I see peace is leaving the planet. I also have a FB page if you want to reach me there ....wendy Marianne Williamson said.... GOD I NEED A MIRACLE>>>>>
ACIM Mentor said…
MNTLady, quiet your mind as often as possible and the answer will come. The answer may not come when you are quieting your mind but if you have the habit of opening to Truth and being willing you will receive an answer. Make sure you keep your mind open and do not decide what the answer must look like.

If you are feeling suicidal please call 1-800-SUICIDE.
Anonymous said…
Enjoyed this article.
hannah said…
reading through this blog again, has brought up something i feel incredibly guilty about.. i feel jealous of the ability to intuit the flow, to look for the flow.

my middle name is florence, i get called flo, which i 'hear; as flow.. but reading this again, i see that i am far from being able to tune into the flow of the universe. im usually trying to make the puzzle piece fit where it doesnt!

jealousy is very uncomfortable, not my fave, laugh.. ive had a look through your blogs but havent flowed my way to anything ;) have you written about jealousy liz?
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, I don't think I've ever written directly about jealousy. But what is jealousy but the sense that you are being unfairly deprived? So you don't intuit the flow - that's just not your way. Follow YOUR path.
hannah said…
i guess intuiting the flow sounds somewhat like having a crystal ball. it sounds like it would help stop quite a few collisions with brick walls! and ive been confused about letting go vs giving up, following my heart vs pigheadedness. so i bruise myself quite a lot, trying to understand which one im 'doing'. the fun side of being human, eh ;)

i did recognise last year that i could not have manifesting things in my own timing and trusting the unfolding both as goals (though i can manifest a good cup of tea in the morning) as one involved this self as 'god' and the other didnt. so i decided id rather just try and remove my blocks to present peace, and to let go of the beliefs i had that made me deeply angry at myself and others. and im STILL bruising myself! though i must say, my anger has a less concrete quality, lasts for less time.

jealousy.. yes, unfairly deprived. less than, inadequate, lacking. i am recalling that i cant solve that, not within the thought system that created it, it would just.. manifest (!?) elsewhere. ah liz, when ever i attempt to follow my mind back through discomfort at the moment to peace or acceptance, i seem to hit an impasse at loneliness. and i EXPERIENCED the joy of an innocent perception, of awareness of oneness. how can i possibly be enough for me is the feeling.. i feel 'sure' that 'my' sacrifice is that i have to be alone. you are enough for you, right!?
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, I was always enough for me. My inner life was always more to me than my outer one. But now it's not "me" that is enough for me. Your loneliness just means you are in ego and you need to go to the other thought system. The ego is a thought system of lack, limitation, and guilt. You cannot resolve those there.
hannah said…
ok, yes. im just fighting it hey.. i feel like im hovering next to giving in. this loneliness thing has really only been coming into sharp focus since starting to accept more deeply that turning inward is the only way. im just scared, its hard not to get sucked into my own drama. soon i'll set up another appointment with you, that will ease this whatever-this-is.

do you get bored with repetition? is it still interesting talking about these dynamics with people?
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, neither boredom or being interested are of concern to me anymore. So I don't really know how to answer!
hannah said…
well, that is impossible to imagine! hmm, well, i can imagine not being concerned with them, just not.. not experiencing them. or at least, not not experiencing interest. haha.. because that DOES sound boring! i dont mean excitement, i mean .. oh.. arent you interested to see how your expereince unfolds for you (as in.. will comprehensive peace look as you imagined) though i CAN see how from constant peace you would no loner be CONCERNED about it, or even if you reached it. no curiosity? because if not, that IS intriguing, haha.. its .. unimaginable, which is intriguing!
hannah said…
i mean(!).. does dropping attaching meaning drop more things than that? inconceivable!? (im having a the princess bride moment)
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, I have some curiosity about how it will all unfold but it does not matter if it is satisfied or not.

I have an article coming out in the next couple of weeks to discuss where I am now. Not sure it will answer your questions...
hannah said…
well, this answer is conceivable to me! and i look forward to the article. no boredom and zero-importance curiosity sounds really really pleasant actually.
hannah said…
or rather no concern about boredom, i gather.
ACIM Mentor said…
Hannah, correct, no concern about boredom.
hannah said…
well, yeeee ha x

the red/blue-no-purple yarn is on my mind most of the time, the impossibility of blending the opposite thought systems in our mind. and i keep thinking.. 'liz' is a person. 'i' am a person. what is real is not a person. it can be difficult not to fall into seeing you as.. like, well saintlike (dont laugh ;) ) because you dont reinforce guilt or and meet people where they are. which makes attaining peace seem impossible, i cant be saintlike.. yet.. you are still liz, just.. not concerned with the story of liz? ah, apologies, im trying to blend where you are with where i am, hahaha.. and im in a weird space!

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