Everyone Can't Be In The Front Row
A reoccurring theme in my work as a mentor is relationships
and the need to set boundaries with others who are unhealthy. I came across
this and thought it offered a useful guide for determining which relationships
need boundaries:
Everyone Can’t Be
In The Front Row
Life is a theater. Invite your audience carefully. Not
everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are
some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance. It is amazing
what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize, your time with
draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships/friendships.
Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention.
Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are
going downhill?
When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel
Which ones always have drama, or don’t understand, know or
appreciate you?
The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind,
love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets
to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
You cannot change the people around you but you can change
the people you are around.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at www,acimmentor.com.
Not speaking about myself, anymore on this subject, just a general question. Thanks.
this is how i am understanding this lesson his morning . . .
endless L, n
As this mind grows it's awareness of Truth, and thus heal the sense of lack, many special relationships have naturally fallen away and recognition of incompatibility has become more evident and judgment less. Those relationships, being no longer encouraged, are let go within, with loving release. Special relationships are next to none with the exception of “family for life” whom are mostly loved from a distance now. The only special relationships that are constant are with my three dogs.
So how do I feel about this? Contemplating this question and checking within, there is no sense of needing others, no judgment of good or bad, just neutrality (at this moment). Deb
No thank you to this exercise. The preferred state of being in this body/mind is Peace. The only recognition of "others" held here would be of "innocence."
Using NOW for thinking about people and shuffling them around in the mind is just an invitation for the ego to step in.
If there needs to be any looking at RELATIONSHIPS it would come from a realization, as Deb commented above, that:
"...each and everyone contributed in some way to advancing my path to peace, helping this mind look at guilt, the wrong minded beliefs, patterns of behavior, and to see that “others” are just ideas in this mind to be forgiven."
The article ends with:
"You cannot change the people around you but you can change the people you are around."
This is merely pop psychology at best. This is not what ACIM is about. Please comment.
though shifts have occurred at the level of form, this has been all an inside journey.
endless L, n
Recalling a special relationship that was let go; in it's first appearance it seemed spiritually healthy but after some time, it started to become bothersome. So with true looking, this mind had to look at what the shadow was reflecting back. The mind's interpretation was “you are not worthy of my time anymore, I took what I needed and so you are no longer needed, you are dismissed.” Dismissed, whoa, what a blow! But with further analysis “getting to the root”, the shadow was this mind's belief it was unworthy of Love and by letting it go, it was teaching itself it does have value, it is valuable as the Self.
The letting go however wasn't easy. Anger would rise up and then be projected onto this other as the cause. Then the anger would soften and temptation would rise up to call, text or email. Still the same message was being received, “you are not worthy of my time, my life is more important and too busy for the likes of you.” This script played out maybe a few more times until this mind was really ready to let it go and accept the Truth of It's Being since it could hear the ego shouting from the balcony, “you can't handle the truth” and then my Scooby mind . . .“rut row” remembering, only the Truth is True.
So how does this mind know it truly let go? It was no longer being consumed with those shadow thoughts and thus was no longer tempted to call and with a neutral feeling learned that this other is moving away. With true forgiveness, true seeing with Love's Vision, there is an inner knowing that the script is over and as mind, watching it's end with renewed recognition that only Love is True, welcomes it with gratitude and applause. Deb
endless L, n
It's important to also point out that when in ACIM it says "your brother" it was speaking to Helen and Bill in their very rare Holy Relationship. (Originally, the term was "each other"). Helen and Bill were learning the exact same lessons at the exact same time. Most students do not have the experience of the Holy Relationship. So they need boundaries with unhealthy others. In other words, just because you know that the Truth is in every mind does not mean that others know this. (We are One in Truth, not as people). Love does not mean being a doormat. Love means recognizing for others their potential to be mature and healthy (the effect of the awareness of Truth in their minds). You do not serve others well by allowing them to use you, abuse you, or to continue in their negative attitudes. Your boundaries give them an opportunity to learn and to grow. But whether or not they take that opportunity is up to them.
Apparently thinking as ego thinks , namely ...
I am you
" I am You " is a quote from a psychologist at the end of the movie Revolver
I had a hard time going about my daily activities projecting spiritual ideas upon
others , like some of the line in acim might suggest.
In many cases it became torture essentially trying to like , what i didn't naturally like.
Many many video clips on you tube detailing the dynamic of the ego , the movie is
practically a cult classic
Hope that helps
If you have the inverted ego dynamic where your mind lives by the idea " I am you"
you will attach to most everyone you meet and struggle to 'fix' them in your head
throughout the day. Its an OCD type thing.