Ask: Is there anything this separate sense of self is responsible for?
“Liz, thank you
for your recent post on what if I run out of time. It’s helped me to stop
struggling and let things play out. My question is: Is there anything this
separate sense of self is responsible for?...” – AS
“The sole
responsibility of God's teacher is to accept the Atonement for himself.
Atonement means correction, or the undoing of errors.” (M-18.4)
Now that you are aware of the Undoing of the
idea-of-not-Truth (the “Atonement” in A
Course in Miracles) you are responsible for accepting the Undoing for
yourself. This may seem to contradict what I wrote last week about the
Undoing’s unfolding being inevitable. But “down here on the ground”, as it
were, the Undoing unfolds through your
taking responsibility for correcting in your own mind the error of believing in
not-Truth. This shows up in your day to day life as whatever study and practice
you feel moved to do. And also what you feel not moved to do, as well. From now
on, however you feel moved, it is the manifest expression of the Undoing.
I realize that this is something that you probably cannot
see. I can only see it for myself in hindsight. Once I had an experience of
Truth my path was set. Often I felt I’d wandered off or that I was failing. But
all of that was really a part of the path. My part with regard to making a
choice was really over. I accepted Truth into my awareness and I was taken
along from there. All of my efforts to force it to happen were not necessary. I
just needed to check in everyday with the Awareness of Truth (Holy Spirit) in
my mind and trust that what efforts were needed by me would arise organically.
I wish I could’ve trusted this. It would have made it a lot
easier. But the path is called the “Development of Trust” (Manual for Teachers)
for a reason. If I had trusted I would’ve been much further along than I was!
And it is the lack of trust that makes it so very uncomfortable for so long.
But just know this: Once you’ve invited Truth into your awareness your path is
set. The Undoing will now unfold through you whether or not you are consciously
aware of it. It may mitigate any discomfort to step back and remind yourself of
this whenever you feel that you are lost or failing.
ACIM teaches that forgiveness is
your part to play in the Undoing? But how does that show up for you? This is
something that I discuss with my clients. If you’d like to discuss this or
anything else you can email me at
to set up an appointment. Learn more about what I offer at
thank you for your question, AS