Ask: Isn't "the script" an illusion?

 “…The script is already written, yet isn’t the script an illusion? Our true Self is outside the illusion, so wouldn’t choosing with the Holy Spirit, the voice for God, also be outside the illusion, therefore outside the script?, Yes the script is already written, but we do have 3 minds, the ego mind, the Higher Holy Spirit Mind, and the decision maker mind, what we choose with the decision maker mind is what would keep us in the script/illusion or not, Our challenges are just lessons we have failed to learn presented yet once again, do we not have choice to decide to learn the lesson or not?, or is the choice to decide to release our defences against the truth also part of the script?

 ‘What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good? Perhaps you have misunderstood His plan, for He would never offer pain to you. But your defenses did not let you…’ (W-135.18)” - TR

Yes, absolutely, “the script” is an illusion. The Atonement (which is the script and can also be called time, ego-consciousness, existence, etc.) is an illusion. It is only an idea of not-God/the undoing of the idea of not-God.

 There is no choice necessary in God as in God there is only God. The idea of choice only has meaning in consciousness, or the Atonement. The Atonement is error/correction over and over again. Spirit is the Correction in the Atonement. Spirit comes from outside of consciousness, but when you choose Spirit, you choose It from within consciousness and It meets you there. But any choice you make is predetermined because in fact time is an expression of that illusory instant of Atonement—it is not bringing the Atonement about. What feels like your individual choice is the Atonement playing out through your mind. 

You do not have three minds. You have one mind which seems to have two thought systems, ego and Spirit. Your mind is always in one or the other. The decision maker is your mind in either ego or Spirit, depending on context. 

A Course in Miracles meets you where you think you are, seemingly in the Atonement. Remember, first it was speaking to Helen and Bill as they scribed the ACIM. It is specific to them in their “special function” of bringing ACIM into the world. We must learn (with Spirit) to generalize for ourselves what it says to them. It hammers away at choice while, in seeming contradiction, it says what you quoted, to empower them, not as seemingly-individual minds, but as Sons of God—Spirit. But the choices they made (and that anyone makes) were already predetermined. 


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