Ask: Are practicing Presence, mindfulness, and the holy instant the same?

          "I have been practicing Presence for some time now. I read my lesson for the day and then sit with my eyes open, often just staring at the rug. I 'feel' the Holy Spirit while I am doing this. Basically, it just feels good. Sometimes this can go on for hours with some short breaks in between. The time doesn't matter...Are practicing Presence, Mindfulness and the Holy Instant the same thing? Is practicing Presence a way of practicing the mechanics of the Holy Instant?” – WW

 Your way of practicing Presence certainly sounds like one way to practice the holy instant.

As for mindfulness, that depends. Years ago, I had a client who told me he practiced mindfulness by being present with whatever he was doing. If he was doing the dishes, he was with the action of dish washing. If he was speaking with someone, he was present with them, etc. He became very disciplined about not letting his mind wander. But where, he asked, was the peace in this? During our discussion, I casually mentioned “being present to God” and he suddenly burst forth, “Ohhhh! Present to God.” After this, his mindfulness practice changed to being present to God while he engaged in any activity, and he didn’t need to speak with me anymore.

Mindfulness is practicing the holy instant when you are present to God.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…

On how to practice Presence see: p.250; VI. Finding the Present.

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