Post-Atonement: The Real World
“The full awareness of the
Atonement, then, is the recognition that the separation never occurred.” (T-6.II.10)
The shift in consciousness
from ego to Spirit brings about a reorientation in one’s relationship to the
personal experience. The Two Pictures (T-17.IV) in A Course in Miracles
illustrates this beautifully. The
specific context of this section is relationships, but it can be generalized to
all of one’s experience of consciousness.
Where in ego-consciousness
the focus is on the material world and one’s experiences of it, obscuring like
a heavy frame the opposition to Truth that is the true content of ego, in Spirit-consciousness
the focus is on Its Own Content, the real world, and the personal experience
falls into the background as the insubstantial framework in which the real
world is experienced.
The real world is a kind of intangible
Seeing or Perceiving that is more akin to knowing than ego’s perceptions,
which are really judgments. What is seen is not God directly, of course,
but God’s Reality symbolized in some way that makes sense to the mind seeing
it. (Some get it when I say “you See the Universal Smile.”) However this comes
to each, the result is universal—peace and happy lightheartedness.
For me, this Seeing also involves some awareness of what will unfold in the personal experience for me, wrapping the frame of the personal experience into the real world so that there is no sorting one from the other. After all, the shift in consciousness caused the seeming boundaries between higher and lower and inner and outer to drop away in my mind. I no longer have two realities, ego and Spirit, but only one, Spirit, reflecting the Onlyness of God. This was the final expression of the Atonement. Correction was made, so it is over. The real world has come to take its place.
If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.
As we do ACIM with the goals of enlightenment and the real world comes the closely followed ego’s answer of dissatisfaction with Jesus and the Holy Spirit not to mention the course itself. It is taking too long, it is asking the impossible, there is little observable pay back in the dream. And on and on. We try to fight back with intellectual thoughts but these are of little help. The ego has set up shop in our unconscious and built a wall or a fog. We don’t have full contact with what is happening to us. Only that there is an unsatisfied feeling that they are not giving us what was promised. We lose sight of the real goal of Jesus Course that we awaken our brothers and without that we will not progress.
There is a need to give enlightenment and the real world back to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and begin to trust Them again. That They are leading us out of the dream. We have to bring our spiritual life back to one day at a time, one moment at a time. We need to focus on our brothers if we are doing ACIM.
1. Every mind must project or extend.
2. The ego always tries to preserve conflict.
3. Ego tries to persuade it can free you from conflict.
4. It projects your conflicts to try and persuade you it has gotten rid of the problem.
5. You cannot get rid of something you do not want by projecting it away.
6. Giving is how you keep it. Good or bad. Projection or Extension.
7. Belief that by seeing it outside myself I have excluded it from within.
8. You cannot perpetuate an illusion about another without perpetuating it about yourself.
9. Do not be afraid of the ego.
10. Accept full responsibility for the ego.
11. Give all errors to the Holy Spirit quickly.
12. The Holy Spirit will teach me to perceive beyond my belief system.
13. The whole purpose of the Course is to teach you the ego is unbelievable.
14. Accept the Atonement.
15. You cannot do these things alone.