Divinity is Here, Not Potential

            Some say that the purpose of the material life for everyone is to realize their Divinity (Christ/Spirit/Truth). I would say that they are sensing what I call the Atonement, the term I get from A Course in Miracles which means correction of the perception of separation from God, which is what time and consciousness are. And they are an illusion.

Often, the same teacher will say that your Divine Self is already whole and perfect and that you do not attain It. This is correct, but there’s a contradiction here. Either you are whole and perfect Divinity, or you are that which seeks to attain It. You cannot be both, which is why one must be an illusion.

The Atonement is an expression of an idea that is already over. The idea of not-God arose and was undone simultaneously by God’s All-encompassing nature. Only within the idea does it seem like that instant unfolds over time like a story. Your Divinity is your Reality. That in your mind which seems to be reaching for Divinity is the expression of the Atonement and it is not you.

No one must realize their Divinity and clearly not everyone will. Your consciousness includes your conscious awareness, your subconscious, and your unconscious. Your Divinity is always in your unconscious if not in your subconscious or conscious awareness. What many want, of course, is to have It in their conscious awareness full time—to realize It as their Reality. But that is not everyone’s role to play. The Atonement in the material expression is a collective attainment over time. Everyone seems to be part of one mind reaching for Atonement, no matter what consciousness they express. This would be unfair if it were real, but it is not real.

What is fair is no one can fail to play their part perfectly. It is predetermined. And Reality—Divinity—is fair because It is universal. It is in every mind now. A story of Atonement, of reaching for Divinity, runs alongside this fact, but does not change it one iota. Awareness of this is what the Course calls forgiveness.

To deal with the obvious fact that not everyone will realize their Divinity, some turn to the idea that they will perfect themselves over lifetimes. What is this but a way to make the illusion real? What participates in the story of Atonement is not you. There is no individual you to reincarnate. That is the illusion. 

“The sole responsibility of God's teacher is to accept the Atonement for himself.” (M-18.4)


As a student of the Course, your role is to accept correction of the perception that you are separate from God.  One tool for this is the holy instant, in which you step into your Timeless Divinity for a moment and the Atonement is complete. In fact, you realize it is not necessary. To what degree this unfolds in your conscious awareness in the material unfolding is determined by the expression of the Atonement. But no matter, your Divinity is always intact, even if you reject this whole idea.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
In the past or present or what never was the body blocks spirit. There are few short cuts. The laws of God prevent it.
will said…
As one of the many courses of the universal curriculum, this one is contingent on seeing your brother as your savior. Our awareness is of a dream with its own rules and history that we are helpless to escape without the Holy Spirit. ACIM is one way of addressing this situation.
will said…
Chasing Enlightenment or Divinity

I get caught up in this periodically. When I make these a goal, I have put the ego in charge. I say this because my emotions and selfworth (as a student) begin to fluctuate with every perceived success or failure in reaching that goal.
Then it is time to go sit with the Holy Spirit lol
will said…
Your Brother as Savior

T-25.V The State of Sinlessness
This section is easier to read in MACIM
will said…
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will said…
Chasing? How about waiting on enlightenment to show up?
Two sides of the same coin.
will said…
Believing you are Divine, while every instant the ego shows you, you are not, helps the Holy Spirit lead you back to studying A Course In Miracles.
Anonymous said…
Christ Love Bubbles Up

Gentleness Floats Rises As

Joy Pops With A Laugh

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