Ask: Can you explain "joining"?

        “Can you tell me what your process is for joining and what your perception of joining is? I know that the false self cannot join so who is the one who joins and how can we do it? Also, you mention in your memoir about communing with God. How does that happen and what is the difference between that and joining?”—MK


Joining is not the most apt but rather the most convenient word, because you are correct that joining, which implies more than one, does not really occur when I “join in Christ” with others. They turn inward to Christ as I turn inward to Christ, both of us going to the same Place, as Christ is the same, and all that is real, in each mind. So, we acknowledge Unity rather than join as we each turn away from the fragmented illusion and consciously rest in the Onlyness of Christ. The idea is that as we do this together, we strengthen this awareness in each other. I offer this as a service alone ( as well as at the end of or during mentoring/coaching sessions. It’s really a reminder because, from my point of view, Christ is all that is really here; the rest is illusion.

I debated what to call it and settled on Joining in Christ because it took up less space than Turning Inward to Christ Together. However, I knew the word joining would be misleading and cause confusion.

By communing with God, an idea I introduced in my book 4 Habits for Inner Peace, I mean simply sitting quietly and opening your mind to God with no agenda but to be open to God. So, no questions, no requests, just quietly being with God.

There is no difference between communing with God and joining with Christ, as Christ is simply God’s Extension to consciousness.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
MK, go to page 387
laurie said…
Liz, I think in either one of your earlier blogs or perhaps in 4 Habits for Inner Peace, you said that in the beginning of your practice, while trying to commune with God, you would simply imagine what God might say to you. Do I remember this correctly, and if so, can you remind me where to find that post or chapter?

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