Ask: Can you talk about our creations?

           “I’m a long-term student of a course in miracles. I’m not aware of reading any article over the years referring to our creations. For example in the following extract:

‘You too, have a kingdom that your spirit created. It has not ceased to create because of the ego’s illusions… Your ego and your spirit will never be co-creators, but your spirit and your Creator will always be. Be confident that your creations are as safe as you are.’ (T-4.III.1) 

I wonder if you have written an article you can send me the link to or could talk a little about our creations.” – KO

I’ve written several articles over the years that have referenced A Course in Miracles’ use of the term creation because it is often misunderstood. So, I am happy to take another opportunity to clarify it again.

The Course corrects many religious (particularly Christian) and philosophical misconceptions, and it does this often by giving new meaning to religious and philosophical words and concepts. A graphic example of this is the idea of the Atonement, which in Christianity means Jesus dying on the cross for you and in the Course means correction of the perception of separation from God.

 Creation is another of those concepts that it redefines. We are used to using creation to refer to something brought into being, and uppercase Creation to refer to something God brought into being, such as the material world and/or your being. But in the Course, creation means extension. So, God’s Creation is not something God brought into being, but rather God’s Limitless Extension of God. So, God’s Creation is, well, God. It’s an elaborate way of saying God is All and in God there is only God. In contrast, the Course says anything not of God—therefore, illusion—was made.

Keep in mind that the idea of Creation has no meaning in God, because in God there is only God. Only in consciousness (illusion), where we seem to be separate from God, do we need this idea to understand our relationship to God. Saying “you are God’s Creation” or “God extends Its Self to you” simply means you are, in Truth, God.

To illustrate this, imagine a piece of white paper with a circle drawn on it. The paper within the drawn circle can be said to be an extension of the paper, something you would not feel it was necessary to say except that the drawn circle may make you question the difference between the paper in the circle and the paper surrounding the circle. Of course, there is no difference, just as there is no difference between God and God in you, despite you having another experience (consciousness).

So, as you are part of God, your creations are God’s Creation, or God’s Limitlessness. Again, a way of saying you are God in Truth and in God there is only God.

For those readers who do not know, I translated the Course into plain language partly because of these redefinitions, and this is how that passage appears in The Message of A Course in Miracles:


“Just as God only extends God, so do you. This has not stopped because of your split mind’s illusion of the personal self. Your Extension continues as God’s Extension continues, because you are One. The personal self and the Holy Spirit will never be One, but the Holy Spirit will always be One with God. You can be certain that your Oneness with God is unchanged.” (MACIM-4.III.1)



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and indicate that you want it answered in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
The Son of God being referenced to is not us but the Son who is extending with God now. Not the sleeping Son. What is he creating or extending? Who knows? The course says it has limits on what it covers and this appears to be one of them.
will said…
A person could ask what is God creating or extending now? It's the same thing. The course kind of states it like we personally will have some creations when we return to heaven, but I'm not sure that's the best understanding. I have asked myself the same question you are.
will said…
Angels are Thoughts that come from God to you.
Secure in their protection may you rest;
Quiet in certainty that comes from them,
At peace in mind and heart and holiness;
Unmindful of the world, sure that they
Are with you, watching over you, and fixed
In their determination to maintain
Your mind at rest within the peace of God.
will said…
I was thinking some more on "our creations." If we have some waiting they would not be anything we would recognize or understand here in the dream. The Son is creating the same as God. God doesn't appear to be interested in form so that would eliminate almost anything we can conceive of.

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