Ask: Can you discuss ACIM's use of the term "specialness"?

           “The word, special or specialness comes up in ACIM so many times, and it is key to understanding so much of what the course is about. However, specialness is so much a part of the culture we are living in now that claiming someone or something is not special is considered an insult. Although you surely have in the past I think this would be a good topic to address in an upcoming Mentor letter as a refresher and reminder for the New Year.” –ESA

Persons are unique, and everyone has a unique part to play in the Atonement (what is unfolding in consciousness/the world), so in that sense you could say everyone is special. However, A Course in Miracles uses the term specialness to describe ego’s attachment to its unique person and its belief that special people or situations will bring it peace and happiness. This is ego’s reality, and it will never change for ego.

So, naturally an ego is offended if you tell them their person is not special. You are attacking their reality! Their person is their identity, their world. And frankly their person is special—it’s just that neither ego nor its person is real! But don’t tell them that, either.

The Course describes ego wonderfully. But you cannot change ego, in your mind or in another’s. You might as well just observe it.

Of course, Spirit is also in consciousness, and when ego recedes Spirit is revealed, mitigating ego and a less egotistical person (consciousness) shows up. Ego is receding and Spirit is emerging in someone who feels moved to study the Course or some other process that depicts Truth coming to conscious awareness If this continues, and how far it goes, is the unfolding Atonement. 


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