It Is a Different World

           A question I had after the shift in consciousness was, “Am I really seeing a different world? Or just the same old world differently? Or is this the same thing?” The answer is the latter: A different way of seeing a world is a different world. Because the world one lives in is perceptual and is not the material world. The material world is simply a screen onto which one’s perceptions are projected. Or not, when the screen is seen to be just a screen. I thought I knew that world really meant consciousness, but the Shift showed this to me in a way I could not understand until consciousness shifted.

Another question was: Given that it is so different, is there any value for others in my sharing what I now know and see? For some who have experienced the Shift themselves or are nearing it, the answer is sometimes yes. What I share may validate, illuminate, or describe their experience. But they are a tiny minority. For most, it seems what I now share is generally not helpful, or is here and there, but in a limited way that is not really related to what I mean to convey.

For example, the awareness that consciousness is a predetermined depiction seems to hit a wall with those who cannot see it. Understandably. Predetermination was an idea I dismissed until I saw it for myself. Some take some comfort in some aspects of this idea, but overall, no one seems to get what I try to convey. Not the whole picture, which is a whole other world. They take what can fit into their world. Naturally. What else could they do unless they shift?

Mostly, I am not aware of a “new” world until something reminds me of the experience and values of the old one, which are now foreign and unfathomable. A hint of the difference is how as the Shift approached, I’d hear, “You’re still thinking like a person” to explain a mistake in perception I was still experiencing. The new consciousness is not an identity, it is not an “I”. And, as I’ve shared, only recently did it become clear here that identity isn’t even necessary.

Lately, there’s also been a shift in teaching, a sense of liberation when it comes to writing these articles or speaking with mentees and coaching clients. Writing has always been a different kind of teaching from mentoring and coaching, because I meet my clients where they are, and there’s no one to meet where they are when writing unless I’m answering a question. So, writing is a mix of my insights and experiences and practical advice for readers. I suspect the liberation I feel has to do with feeling further outside the illusion, so having even less investment in outcomes within it. I write what comes, as I always have, but with even less concern about how it lands with others. I tend to forget what I have just written. It feels even less any of my business what part what I write plays in someone else’s experience, or the bigger picture, etc. And with clients, there is now acceptance of where they are, and of the fact that I cannot help them shift to what is in this consciousness now. I can only continue to meet them where they are, and if it’s helpful (usually, to some degree), so be it, and if it’s not (rarely), so be it. I tend to forget about that, too.

Clients often ask directly what my experience is now. I tell them, but I watch as it goes right past them and their world remains untouched by what I have to share. Mostly. Sometimes, some get a glimpse of liberation for a moment. But then their world closes back over it. I know about this; it was the experience here once upon a time. Until what was seen in glimpses became the new Context (world, consciousness).



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