Why Did I Make This Thing Happen?

Sometimes students contact me to ask why they made something terrible happen in their life. They interpret A Course in Miracles to say that they chose this “bad” thing to happen. “Why did I make my child sick with this terrible disease?” “Why did I “create” this hurricane that destroyed my house?” “My husband was only thirty and I didn’t want my husband to die but the Course says I make everything happen in my life.”

What the Course teaches is that the world is chaos. It is unfair and cruel and it has no rhyme or reason. It will never make sense. It is a place of separation from God. It is hell. Nasty things happen in this world. Children are born sick. Natural disasters occur. People die. There is a lot that is out of your control. You do not “invite” everything that happens to you - you are living in a perception of separation from God and as long as you live in this perception it will manifest all around you. What the Course teaches is that these situations do not have a meaning in themselves, that you give them meaning. Is this “bad” thing going to continue to be about separation? Or are you going to use it as an opportunity to extend God’s Love and so to learn that God’s Love is Real? Extend God’s Love to your child and remember that only God is Real and that nothing in this world is real. Extend God’s Love to the healthcare workers and staff who attend to your child and to the other children and parents you see in the hospital and doctors’ offices by remembering that only God is Real. Extend God’s Love to your neighbors and to the insurance adjustor and the government officials who come to examine the site where your house stood before the hurricane. Extend God’s Love over the lot with debris from your house and remember that only God is Real. Extend God’s Love to your husband’s friends and family, to your children, to the clergyperson, to the funeral director and remember that only God is Real. Nothing in this world is real. It all passes. But God is Real and you are in God, always, forever, no matter what seems to happen in the world.

Every situation – every situation – is an opportunity to extend God’s Love. You can make the world a place of God’s Love for you by extending God’s Love to it. Then when “bad” things happen they will not define you or destroy you. You are already defined by your Oneness with God and God cannot be destroyed.

Sometime you do make things happen in your life and it is usually pretty obvious when you do. For example, it should come as no surprise to you that if you live in Los Angeles you will experience earthquakes. If you drink alcohol and take drugs when you are pregnant it is likely that your baby will be born with some negative effects from this. If you aren’t meeting your job requirements you will be fired. But know that your only purpose in the world is to extend God’s Love and you will learn that you are God’s Love and you will love yourself and take care of yourself and you will stop making painful situations.


Anonymous said…
teach only love - that is what you are!

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