Ask: Since Reality is eternal doesn't it follow that Its opposite is eternal, too?
“ It occurred to me today, that the dream(s)/’life’ we imagine ourselves to be in, must also be eternal. As true reality is eternal, then does it not follow that the illusory opposite of oneness, although not real, must also be eternal? If so, is the only escape from the bombardment of conflict, etc. is to continually be aware of the Truth throughout all the dreams of separation for all eternity?...” – JR Truth is Eternal, which means It is timeless, not time without end. So time is the idea of the opposite of Truth (Eternity). Since Truth is One, or the same throughout Itself, time can only ever be an idea. It is an illusion. It has no reality. There is a trap of believing in two realities that students of A Course in Miracles fall into. One reality they call “God” or “Truth”. This is formless Being. The other “reality”, the experience of form, they label “illusion” without thinking what “illu...