Ask: Why can't both God and the world be real?
Why does it have to be
“non-duality”? Why can’t duality be real? Why can’t both God and the world be
It’s not
that it “has to be” non-duality. It’s just the way it is! Truth, or Reality,
Which is what is meant by “God” in A
Course in Miracles, is an experience of Being extending infinitely and
eternally. There is nothing else in the experience. It is whole and complete in
Itself. It is one both in the sense
that It is whole and that It is All-That-is.
Once you
have this experience, either in direct Revelation (only God) or in a higher
miracle (an awareness that only God is real while still being aware of the
world), you understand that Reality is really beyond the world that you thought
was reality. It reveals to you that the world has no more substance than vapor.
But aside
from the experience itself, which is really the only thing that will convince
you that there is only one Reality and It is God, logic shows that something
cannot be something else and still be itself. For example, an apple cannot be
an orange and still be an apple. Nor can it blend with an orange and still be
an apple. A hybrid applange would not be an apple. It would be its own thing.
So it is
with God. Formlessness (God) cannot be form and still be Formless. Wholeness
(God) cannot lack and still be Whole. Limitlessness cannot be limited and still
be Limitless. Truth cannot be not-Truth and still be Truth. There can only be
one Truth, or Reality. And It cannot oppose Itself and still be Itself. That’s
why it “has to be” non-duality.
Keep in
mind that you experience duality only because you are in denial. You seem to be
split against yourself. And this is what gives you the sense that there is an
inside of you and an outside of you (the world, a god), right and wrong, Heaven
and earth, subject and object, etc. when actually your Reality is an undivided
Whole. When you experience This it is because denial has fallen away.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
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So, simply put, you CAN have both "God" and "the world" as separate concepts for the ego's relativistic analysis, but when you get more in touch with the Absolute (Truth, God, Universe, etc.) those distinctions fall away and unity conciousness ensues.
4 Habits for Inner Peace pgs.40-41
“Although Christian in statement, the Course deals with universal spiritual themes. It emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum. There are many others, this one differing from them only in form. They all lead to God in the end.” (Text preface p. ix)