Ask: Will you read "A Course of Love"? If not, why not?
“….Last week I was
reading Jon Mundy's magazine on the Course…. In his mag, there
was an advertisement notice that there was a new book out, A Course of Love,
you heard of this book? Will you read it? If you will not read it,
why not? I am curious to get your opinion about its close similarity to
only knowing the Truth and meditating just on the Truth...” – SS
I heard of this book many years
ago and I continue to get advertisements for it. But, no, I will not be reading
it. The need to study fell away from me naturally many years ago. Since then I
find reading spiritual material to be superfluous and, frankly, rather tedious.
I can only liken this to reading a recipe for a dish I make every day. After a
while the recipe becomes unnecessary and turning to it actually gets in the way
of making the dish quickly and efficiently. So when I read spiritual material
now I feel, “too many words”. They are
not necessary for me to experience Truth and they are a distraction from
experiencing Truth. I get all I need from turning inward and communing with the
Eternal Quiet.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
You are an excellent communicator, too, Will - I really got what you said here.As for the "A Course in Love" book - I remember Dr. Wapnick saying emphatically on one of his cd's that "This is NOT a Course on love! The purpose for the Course is to seek and find what is false,unhealed in my mind..." Paraphrasing here. Reminds me that he said we are not truth seekers, we are not love seekers - we already have/are truth/love, etc. We are addressing and uprooting anything and everything that leads us to believe that the separation from God/heaven is real.But - now, if that book like the ones by Marianne Williamson, etc. can lead someone to thinking a little differently, then ultimately to study the Course itself, then it's OK! But Course students don't need to read other stuff - they can, but don't 'need' to.
The author explains that ACIM needed to teach us in the traditional manner through the mind because this is the way we are used to learning. It may have the greatest value for those uncomfortable with their feelings on the one hand or on the other hand for those who find Mr. Wapnik a bit harsh. If you are unconvinced of it's value to you , you might try dipping into some of the later chapters such as "accept the present". It might be of particular value to people unfamiliar with ACIM or coming from other spiritual traditions.
I learned of ACIM in 1978, when I was given a copy of those three wonderful hardcover books, the fourth printing. I immediately recognized that they were true. I also realized tat I did not understand them. Fortunately that understanding has improved over the years, including with your help. I have purchased and appreciate several of your books and have contributed toward your wonderful, clear work. Like you, I have gone beyond studying. I live much more intuitively now, or perhaps I should say I feel guidance and try to stay in that flow. And a very joyful flow it is!
Yet two years ago I had guidance which led me to A Course of Love. There were three books, I bought them all, and thought I would read them in the next couple of weeks. To my great surprise, it took me more like eight months, and they had the same impact on me as did ACIM. To me the Voice is undeniably the same. The message is extremely similar but goes even deeper -- something I did not think possible, but as I reflect it, ACIM itself says that the Course is not the end but a beginning. At one point ACOL says that it is a "continuation" of ACIM, and I believe it.
The three ACOL books were recently combined into one volume (which is interesting -- perhaps it is just coincidental that ACIM also was originally published as three books and later combined into one volume). ACOL tends to be much more heart-centered overall than ACIM, much less of a "study" than people tend to make of ACIM.
I entirely agree with you that for many, the time for study is no longer. ACOL says exactly the same thing too, but as I read it, I feel a powerful transmission, as if it is using my mind to go beyond the mind to a united heart-mind, if you will. Both books urge us to resign as our own teacher, and both have a remarkable transmission. I know this might be a challenge for long-time lovers of the Course, but I think it is important for me to share the profound experience I have had with A Course of Love, and I sincerely hope that my fellow spiritual travelers will avoid the mental blinders that might say, "it couldn't be."
“In addition, there was a tremendous sense of dedication to the Course and the personal stories that were told that evening about the transformations of so many relationships…”
“These letters came from people of every faith and background and for the most part recounted how by applying the principle's of the Course, various inharmonious relationships had begun to be healed. Many of the letters referred to the “miracles” that had happened when the writers began applying the lessons of the Course- miracles that helped change dramatically the direction of lives …”
“Sometimes the letters contained truly inspirational accounts of how the “impossible” had happened…”
The book goes on in this vein for many pages. This was all taking place in the first six months to a year of the first publication. A virtual feeding frenzy took place to get copies of the book. You can make of this what you will.
“One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all minds, for every mind is one. Such is the truth. Yet do these thoughts make clear the meaning of creation? Do these words bring perfect clarity with them to you? What can they seem to be but empty sounds; pretty, perhaps, correct in sentiment, yet fundamentally not understood nor understandable. The mind that taught itself to think specifically can no longer grasp abstraction…”
Then in Wapnick’s workbook on the lessons he says this about the above quote where it says “do these words bring perfect clarity with them to you?:
“Everyone lies who says they do. There is no way a specific individual can understand abstract and non-specific oneness. Jesus lets us know he does not expect such understanding.”
“The course (ACIM) does not aim at teaching the meaning of Love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence”.
Just about everything I read via Ken's glossary was about the “BLOCKS” to the awareness of Love's presence... NOT about the very awareness of Love's presence.
I have studied for years both ACIM & ACOL. ACIM is about the mind and the blocks to Love. ACOL is about the heart and the awareness to Love's presence.
There are a thousand different paths back to God. What ever works... that's the right path.