Safety in Defenselessness

 “In my defenselessness my safety lies.” (W-153)

            You have two thought systems in your mind. The ego is the thought system that teaches you that you are a self in a body in a world. Because this isn’t true when you identify with the self you experience lack and vulnerability. You spend your time defining and defending the self’s identity in an attempt to undo your sense of lack and to feel safe.
            The “defenselessness” referred to in this lesson is the other thought system in your mind, what A Course in Miracles calls the Holy Spirit. This thought system comes from the part of your mind that is always aware of God, or True Being. In this awareness you feel whole and complete. You feel safe so you have nothing to defend.
            So this lesson is not asking you to be defenseless in the ego. This is not possible, since it is inherently insecure. It is asking you to turn away from the ego thought system which teaches you that you lack and are vulnerable. Turn instead to the Truth within you in Which you are eternally Whole and Safe.
            Defensiveness shows up as anger. Defenselessness shows up as not taking a situation personally so you are charge-neutral, or without an emotional response. The ego always speaks first and emotionally. This will not change. But as you become aware of your wholeness in God you will learn to let the ego’s emotional reactions come up and go by. Then you will be able to choose to come from a rational, detached place rather than an emotional, personal place.

            As long as you identify with the ego you will be defensive. Accept this. There isn’t any reason to add to your guilt. It is not wrong or bad to be defensive. It comes from a mistaken idea about yourself. You will stop being defensive when God is real enough to you that you will be able to turn to your wholeness in God when you feel vulnerable and get relief. Until then, use conflicts to grow your awareness of God by turning inward and opening to God when you experience them. You will receive an answer that is helpful to you where you are.

Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at


will said…
I had mentioned to Liz a while back that I had been reading lessons 151-159 and found them to be a very powerful grouping. It may have just been something that was happening for me.
Anonymous said…
I want to take this opportunity as we approach a new year and that year representing the semi-centennial of the scribing of the Course, to express my gratitude for this blog. As my late husband would have said, Mucho Gracias Mi Amor, Liz.
ACIM Mentor said…
You are welcome, Anonymous. Happy New Year!
will said…
Over the past six months every time I am willing to openly admit I don't understand instead of hiding it I get an answer, sometimes multiple answers.
I was not able to understand forgiveness and I read the exact way Jesus wants me to do it.
Lesson 161;11-12
I just have to be willing to follow directions. I love this stuff.
will said…
I don't know about anyone else but every time I get to an italicized part I go cross eyed and my brain shuts down.
See Lesson 153;12
I just have to laugh at myself.
Anonymous said…
What a great explanation of this lesson and principle. Very helpful. Thank you Liz. Susan
Anonymous said…
Yesterday while trying to nap I received a call and then a text from a friend of my late husband. This man has a tendency to just show up at my house unannounced. His text message said he was in my driveway. My defenses rose up and I replied that I was unable to see him. I checked in with my thoughts and what I was feeling . . . vulnerable as I live alone, guilt from turning him away, annoyed with him for just showing up without notice. So I turned it over to the Holy Spirit and asked for help to perceive him through the eyes of love and attempted to let my fear go. Then I am gifted with "Safety in Defenselessness" and pointed to lessons 153 and 161. Thank you, DB
Anonymous said…
Thanks for this explanation. It is very helpful and a good reminder as I start a new year wanting to live through my right mind.
will said…
If anyone is interested in reading more on defenselessness Tolle's book "Practicing The Power of Now" deals is some depth on it. Easy reading.
will said…
I went and double checked Tolle's book to make sure I was accurate and what he addresses is Surrender. To me it's pretty much the same thing but I thought I better mention it.
Anonymous said…
In reference to my story about my late husband's friend who just shows up unannounced, this is the miracle that came through for me yesterday. I shared this silly story with one of my neighbors with the specifics of how I am unsure of this man's intentions and how I feel vulnerable. So my neighbor says, I am getting this visual of you on a mountaintop in front of a huge gate and you see someone approaching and say, State Your Intentions! Knowing I just received a miracle, I laughed. We are the gate keepers of our mind. DB
will said…
What happened when he came to the door? You can't leave us up in the air LOL
Anonymous said…
He did not come to the door. He sat in his car, in my driveway and sent me a text that he was in my driveway. I replied to his text that I was not taking visitors along with a Happy New Year wish and he left. By the way, I would have said the same thing if he continued to approach the illusory gate but with this added, "The Light in me salutes the Light in you. DB
jacomina said…
Hi Liz. Happiest of New Years to you. My question is regarding the feelings of defensiveness, anger and resistance as they arise. I first take a minute to notice them. I let myself feel fully vulnerable and frightened. That minute feels very scary. I cant think of anything else. Especially "Truth". And then it leaves by itself without me saying or thinking anything "True". Is this what you've done?
ACIM Mentor said…
Sometimes you can just let the feelings pass, Jacomina. The ego is full of all sorts of moods and reactions that will pass by if you don't engage with them. The fact that they pass means you don't have a huge investment in the ideas behind them. Sometimes it takes more effort to let go of an idea and therefore the feelings that accompany it. Those are the thoughts and feelings that you need to look at with the Holy Spirit.
jacomina said…
To look with the Holy Spirit rather than use the mantra "only the Truth is True" . I have experienced looking at intense feelings with the Holy Spirit and was surprised at the outcome. I don't know why I don't do it again and again. I remember you saying the answer is given immediately and is revealed only if one stays open to it. Am I correct here? Thank you
ACIM Mentor said…
Yes, the answer is always here but you won't be aware of it until you are open to it.
will said…
Also remember the ego always speaks first.
ACIM Mentor said…
Well...after you get used to having a dialogue with the Holy Spirit and you trust It you may hear/feel It right away.
will said…
Yes I realized that after reading your comment. It's not like it's speaking like the ego either, more like a feeling.
ACIM Mentor said…
Well...some do hear a Voice. Sometimes it's unformed thoughts. Sometimes it's an intuition. Ego thoughts come all of these ways, too. This is why sorting out the two experiences takes time.
The Holy Spirit is always detached and unemotional. The ego is emotional but can mimic detachment. Its form of detachment, however, is repression of emotions.
jacomina said…
The Ego mimicking detachment through repression still, for me, anyways, has an element of intellect in it. Do you know what I mean? If I'm trying to decide if it's ego or HS responding , then I'm pretty sure its ego. But sometimes I feel relief. Relief feels soooo good that I stop analyzing and enjoy what is revealed.
Anonymous said…
I believe I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and as mentioned, it feels to me "clear". When it comes, I don't question it. The personal mind seems to drop into the background. It is rare but extremely powerful...

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