Safety in Defenselessness
“In my defenselessness my safety lies.” (W-153)
You have
two thought systems in your mind. The ego is the thought system that teaches
you that you are a self in a body in a world. Because this isn’t true when you
identify with the self you experience lack and vulnerability. You spend your
time defining and defending the self’s identity in an attempt to undo your
sense of lack and to feel safe.
“defenselessness” referred to in this lesson is the other thought system in
your mind, what A Course in Miracles
calls the Holy Spirit. This thought system comes from the part of your mind
that is always aware of God, or True Being. In this awareness you feel whole
and complete. You feel safe so you have nothing to defend.
So this
lesson is not asking you to be defenseless in the ego. This is not possible,
since it is inherently insecure. It is asking you to turn away from the ego
thought system which teaches you that you lack and are vulnerable. Turn instead
to the Truth within you in Which you are eternally Whole and Safe.
shows up as anger. Defenselessness shows up as not taking a situation
personally so you are charge-neutral, or without an emotional response. The ego
always speaks first and emotionally. This will not change. But as you become
aware of your wholeness in God you will learn to let the ego’s emotional reactions
come up and go by. Then you will be able to choose to come from a rational,
detached place rather than an emotional, personal place.
As long as
you identify with the ego you will be defensive. Accept this. There isn’t any
reason to add to your guilt. It is not wrong or bad to be defensive. It comes
from a mistaken idea about yourself. You will stop being defensive when God is
real enough to you that you will be able to turn to your wholeness in God when
you feel vulnerable and get relief. Until then, use conflicts to grow your
awareness of God by turning inward and opening to God when you experience them.
You will receive an answer that is helpful to you where you are.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
I was not able to understand forgiveness and I read the exact way Jesus wants me to do it.
Lesson 161;11-12
I just have to be willing to follow directions. I love this stuff.
See Lesson 153;12
I just have to laugh at myself.
What happened when he came to the door? You can't leave us up in the air LOL
The Holy Spirit is always detached and unemotional. The ego is emotional but can mimic detachment. Its form of detachment, however, is repression of emotions.