Assertion Is Not Aggression
(To clarify: The boundaries discussed here are about
boundaries for the self at the level of form. They are the practical result at
the level of form of being aware of your wholeness in Truth. Discussions in
spiritual teachings about the dropping away of the boundary of the self refer
to a an experience that transcends the level of form.)
Sometimes students tell me that they feel that setting
boundaries is an attack on others. This is because in the past they didn’t set
boundaries until they felt so violated that they felt they had to become angry
and aggressive to protect themselves. They would blow up at others or cut them
out of their life for not respecting boundaries that they never clarified. Their
anger seemed to be about others. But really they were angry with themselves for
allowing others to abuse or to manipulate them.
When you are confused about your worth you feel uncertain
about where to set your boundaries. You feel that you do not have the right to
expect respect from others. You feel, unconsciously or consciously, that their
abuse is justified. So asking for respect feels as though it requires you to
“confront” others. This is a projection of your own inward conflict. Internally
you feel so guilty and conflicted about your own worth that you don’t feel
right simply asking for respect. You feel you have to “steal” it from others
and that this makes you even more wrong.
Learn about the books The ACIM Mentor Articles, The Plain Language A Course in Miracles, 4 Habits for Inner Peace, and Releasing Guilt for Inner Peace at
Reading chapter 8 and "hear Liz teach". This chapter seems to resonate with article- at least for me. Thank you again for sharing and the article.
"If you want peace, willingness is demonstrated by letting go of obstacles to peace and opening to Truth. Bringing your fears up for conscious examination; communing with God; turning everything over to the Holy Spirit; choosing to see Christ in others and Oneness instead of separation. These are all mental actions that imply willingness to be at peace. These are all things you can do now."
Thank you, DB
"The ego tells you that the external world causes your feelings. You are angry, depressed, fearful, lonely, etc. because the world is a crappy place or because someone has treated you in a bad way. But what really happens is you decide to feel separated from God and then you look outward and interpret the world in such a way as to justify your feelings of separation. You can just as easily decide to feel peace and look outward and interpret the world in such a way as to justify your feelings of Oneness."