Ask: Are our perceptions and choices predetermined as well?

 "If the script is already written, and the world is a projection of the false beliefs we hold in the mind, wouldn’t the script change as we are willing to allow our perception to change? Or is our perception already determined as well?, Is the decision to wake up from the dream already predetermined? If the only real choice we have is to choose the ego thought system or the Holy Spirit in each moment, wouldn’t that lead to very different scripts?” – TR


The material experience is an expression of the moment of the idea of not-God/the undoing of the idea of not-God—what A Course in Miracles calls the Atonement. (You can also call it time, ego-consciousness, existence, or illusion.). So, everything in your material experience— thoughts, feelings, choices, actions, etc.—is predetermined. Wherever your mind is in the process, whatever you think, feel, and do, expresses the Atonement perfectly. You cannot deviate from “the script.”


In the Atonement, it seems as though not-God occurred long ago, resulting in time and consciousness, and will be undone in some indefinite future. Time and consciousness are that story unfolding, with each mind playing their part perfectly. In that way it seems we all “awaken” together, not by each mind awakening, but in a collective participation where each plays their part in the Atonement perfectly. There is no individual will or choice exercised in this. That “choice” was made in the moment of inevitable correction.


The Atonement is an illusion; it is only an appearance in your mind. Remember, you are not that which in your mind is in that process. You are Christ, That Which inspires the correction aspect of the Atonement. Awakening is Christ breaking into a seemingly individual consciousness, lifting a mind out of the Atonement. This is not attained by an individual consciousness but expresses the Atonement. In which minds this occurs is determined by the unfolding Atonement.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
Try Jan Frazier's book "The Great Sweetening; Life After Thought." The beginning of the book gives a pretty good paradigm on the 'Script, Perspective and things being Predetermined'. It is on Kindle.

"I found a door I hadn't known was there. It was like entering into another dimension, only this wasn't science fiction, or a dream, or a delusion. It was just plain true. There had been a door there all along, in the room in which life-so-far had taken place, fifty years of it...waiting for me to step through. I stepped." Frazier, The Great Sweetening.

My own experience having had the exact same questions as yourself is that the Holy Spirt/Jesus just kind of gently gives a perspective of it as time goes by. The personal mind isn't much good with this sort of thing.

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