Summer/Winter Reading Coming Soon!


Hello, everyone, it has been a while! Over a year, actually. Fourteen months ago, I began this newsletter, The Christ in You, and said I felt it would probably be irregular…well, so it has been, but a bit more than I thought it would be!


If you wish to review the six newsletters/blogs I wrote last year, you can do so at What they say is still valid and they will catch you up with where I am a bit.


As many of you know, I have been busy for a year and a half writing a memoir of my spiritual path from its start when I became a student of A Course in Miracles in 1984 up through my shift in consciousness in 2018 and beyond. It is near completion, and I will self-publish it in a few weeks, so stay tuned!


Here is the back-of-the-book blurb for A Memoir of Christ: A Student of A Course in Miracles Awakens:



A student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, a nondualistic path to inner peace, Liz Cronkhite lived consciously with Spirit for over three decades. And then in a moment she calls The Break, the experience of existence she knew fell away, taking with it the life she had been living. She had shifted to Spirit-consciousness.

Using the six stages a Course student can expect to pass through, Liz shares how she first found fulfillment as a person living with Spirit, and then, through the Unity of a holy relationship, came to know Christ—God’s Extension—as her Self after a long and difficult ego “death.”

Whether or not you are a student of the Course, Liz’s story illustrates for you how Christ is in every mind and is every mind’s only Reality.



I am asked if I will write any more articles, and the answer is I do not know. I have not felt moved to do so. Of course, so much that I had to share in my previous life is collected in 3 volumes of The ACIM Mentor Articles and other books (which you can find here).


However, I am still moved to mentor and life coach when others approach me for answers, guidance, and support on their path. And I still offer Joining in Christ sessions, which clients report leads to interesting shifts and greater peace. You can learn more about these, as well as my books, at my websites, and


I am still open to questions to be answered in this newsletter/blog. Keep in mind that, while you can trace my evolution in my previous life through the ACIM Mentor Articles, I see things differently now.


After my memoir is published, I will be available for interviews for your group or organization.


Wherever you are in the world, happy summer or winter!



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.



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