Check Those Expectations

          Clients and readers often express fear about what they will face on their path to peace based on what they have read of others’ experiences, usually on other paths. It can be helpful to read about others’ experiences when you have those experiences yourself. They can be reassuring and validating. But until you have those experiences, keep in mind reading or hearing about them may lead to not just fear, but distorted expectations all around.

As a student of A Course in Miracles, you don’t know what to expect, because you are to follow Spirit, not a well-worn path, such as the contemplatives many read about. Contemplatives remove themselves to varying degrees from life in the world. They meditate for many hours a day and live simplified lives outside of formal meditation to help maintain a meditative attitude. Whether in the East or West, each tradition has discovered the internal process a contemplative can expect. Part of this may be what is called among Christian contemplatives a Dark Night of the Soul, about which many have expressed fear to me. This is something unique to contemplatives and not something a student of A Course in Miracles should expect to face. We are not asked to live a contemplative lifestyle. On the contrary: 

You may be attempting to follow a very long road to the goal you have accepted. It is extremely difficult to reach Atonement by fighting against sin. Enormous effort is expended in the attempt to make holy what is hated and despised. Nor is a lifetime of contemplation and long periods of meditation aimed at detachment from the body necessary…

…Your way will be different, not in purpose but in means… (T-18.VII.4-5)

 The Holy Spirit, the holy instant, and the holy relationship are the Course’s simple means for “salvation.” And they are to be used in an ordinary life in the world. You do not have to give up anything. Simply share everything with Spirit so It can transform the way you see things. Remember, nothing is sinful in itself. Only ego says it is sinful. Spirit sees either usefulness or nothing.

Spirit has a unique “curriculum” for each of us. So, while we may experience many of the same things, some are going to go further than others, and even those who advance are not going to have identical experiences. Some experiences will resemble what others experience on different paths. Some will be unique to Course students or to an individual’s path. The only thing of which you can be certain is, whatever it is, you will play your part in the Atonement perfectly.

The Course outlines a general idea of the stages through which you may pass. It is called The Development of Trust (M-4.I.A). It emphasizes putting aside judgment for a very good reason. Guilt taints our expectations of how we think a spiritually advanced mind will manifest, sometimes leading us to miss the miracles of forgiveness offered. And it distorts even our ideas of what the “good” experiences will be. So, keep in mind that there is no template for you to follow and your judgment is tainted by guilt. But you are with One Who knows the way for you and knows your Innocence. Trust Spirit and keep your mind open.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


Tim Baralis said…
Dear Liz,

Perhaps you have already done so in a previous blog, but could you please comment on the phrase "being led by Spirit."

I think I know what that means and I'm sure I've had that experience, but I would appreciate a word from you, whom I consider a sister in Truth.


Tim Baralis
laurie said…
Every time I hear you say "rest assured you are playing your part perfectly", peace follows.

Thank you Liz

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