The Difference Between Consciousness and Spirit

           My three recent articles about how transcendent consciousness is not God has led to questions about the difference between consciousness and Spirit, as the descriptions of pure consciousness and Spirit often sound the same.

Before I get to those experiences, let me explain the difference between consciousness and Spirit.

A Course in Miracles says consciousness was the first split in Mind. So, consciousness is the illusion or dream of separation from God. It is also called the Son of God in the Course, as God cannot be wholly absent from any part of Mind. So, consciousness is split between Spirit, God’s Extension, through Christ, in consciousness, and the idea of not-God, or ego.

Here is an analogy to illustrate this: If the sun were God, then sunlight would be Christ (God’s Extension or Creation), Earth would be consciousness (one side in sunlight, the other in darkness), and where sunlight touches Earth would be Spirit.

So, very simply, the difference between consciousness and Spirit is that consciousness is an illusion and Spirit is not. Consciousness will fall away. Spirit is eternal. This difference is significant for you because the question, What is real? answers the question What am I? While consciousness is your present experience, it cannot be your identity because it is not Reality. God is Reality, so your Identity can only be found in God.

The reason the experience of pure consciousness and Spirit sound the same is because they are effects, and effects can have different sources. (You may cry because you are sad, in pain, happy, proud, etc. The tears are the same, although their cause is not.) As I wrote in the first article: The experiences that we consider transcendent consciousness are an effect on the brain. Yes, they can be brought about by true Spiritual experiences. But they can also be the result of certain drugs, strokes, tumors and other diseases—and copious amounts of meditation that basically rewire the brain.

Of course, what people really want to know is if they experience Spirit or pure consciousness. I have never heard a description of the experience of pure consciousness as “other”, whereas Spirit is always initially experienced as “other” by the ego-identified. For example, for a long while I felt Spirit as my Teacher, Guide, Therapist, etc. It was in my mind, and even familiar, but I felt It was Something Else, until in time the line between me and It began to blur.

I have also never heard anyone describe pure consciousness as a Golden Light of Love, as I have heard others describe, and I have experienced, Christ. And while I have heard pure consciousness described as an incredible oneness with all, I have never heard it described as seeing One’s Self (Christ/Light) where once one saw another. Nor has it been my experience that these are the same. One day, while sitting outside, for no apparent reason I felt one with all. Certainly, it was a lovely feeling. But it did not have the Golden Light or deep sense of recognizing my Self that for me is the Unity of Christ. Also, while that oneness experience lifted me out of ego—a joy in itself—it did not blind me to consciousness, making me feel I was barely still in consciousness, which I feel when I experience the Unity of Christ. Instead, I felt the oneness of consciousness.

There is so much information available on the internet now, it is no wonder there is confusion about these different nondualistic paths that lead to similar experiences. Students jump from one nondualistic teaching to another, often thinking they are the same, sometimes sensing they are not, but unable to discern the difference. So, when students come to me confused as to whether they should pursue the Course or some other nondualistic path to peace, I ask if they seek a state of consciousness or Truth. The answer will determine which path they are meant to follow. If they seek a transcendent state of consciousness, then they want to follow a path with much meditation and inquiry into consciousness. But if they want Truth, they only need invite Spirit into their awareness, grow to trust It, and to follow It. It is the Truth within them, after all. And learning how to do these things is the value of studying the Course.



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