Ask: Are we beholden to God and stuck in the Atonement?

“Are we as little children completely and utterly beholden to God and stuck in the Atonement following  Spirit out, perfectly?” – LK

 As Christ, you are God’s Creation, or Extension. There is no you without God, but there is also no God without you. So, you do not owe God anything any more than God owes something to you. Does sunlight owe anything to the sun? Does the sun owe anything to the light it extends? Extension means there is no separation, so ideas like being beholden do not apply.

The Atonement (consciousness, existence, time) is the moment of the idea of not-God arising and being undone by God’s All-encompassing nature seeming to unfold over time. It is a passing experience so, no, you are not and cannot be stuck in it.


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.


will said…
Whether it is psychotherapy or spirituality the purpose of the “child” is to realize that WE are the block that is causing the abandonment of the child. There is 12 Step or ACIM (among others) that offer a potential solution. No one wants to be held responsible. Pointing the finger at God or mom and dad or whatever won't help. It just reinforces the blocks.

If you want to look at it that way.
will said…

It is an ugly situation we are caught in and there is no easy way out.
will said…
The "inner child" doesn't know what is going on other than it's bad for them. They look to us as their parent and caregiver to get them out of this mess.

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