Ask: Why are we watching the Atonement at all?


“What is the reason we are watching the Atonement at all? - WW

Because it is here to see.

God, being All, must consider Its Own opposite. But being All, God cannot have an opposite. So, the moment the idea of not-God arises it is undone by God’s All-encompassing nature. However, within the idea there is time, the opposite of Timelessness (Eternity), so within the idea, it seems as though the idea of not-God began long ago and will be undone in some indefinite future. And that, right there, is the origin of the idea of consciousness, also known as existence, time, appearances, or the Atonement.

So, what is unfolding in time is the Atonement, or the undoing of the idea of not-God. But as the Atonement is an expression of an idea already over, everything that occurs is already predetermined.

You cannot in any way that is helpful to you deny that you are having this experience, so you must find some way to be with it. You can either merely watch it, including your participation in it, or you can judge it. There is no reason to just watch it. But when you judge it, you make it real to you. In any case, you will do what you are moved to do, and that is the Atonement unfolding through your mind. 


If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.



will said…
For all decisions we are told to say to the Holy Spirit, "Decide for me."
will said…

The Borderline Of Thought. T-26; III.

“There is a borderland of thought that stands between this world and Heaven. It is not a place, and when you reach it is apart from time. Here is the meeting place where thoughts are brought together; where conflicting values meet and all illusions are laid down beside the truth where they are judged to be untrue. This borderland is just beyond the gate of Heaven. Here is every thought made pure and wholly simple. This is the journeys end… Salvation is a borderland where place and time and choice have meaning still and yet it can be seen that they are temporary, out of place and every choice has been already made.”

But to make a choice you have to know there is one to be made. In our egoic state we are unaware there is even a mind. Hence the Course’s purpose of teaching us about the dream.
“Salvation stops just short of Heaven, for only perception needs salvation. Who can make a choice between the wish for Heaven and the wish for hell unless he recognizes they are not the same” (purpose of the Course).

The Atonement is done and finished and you are at the borderline. One more gate to go through to enter Heaven (my words).

But, to make a choice or even be aware there is one, you have to know there is one to be made.

This is a very difficult section. Try to keep it simple and leave the metaphysics behind.
will said…

We are watching the dream and the atonement at the borderland.

"But what is truth to him must be brought to the last comparison that he will ever make, the last evaluation that will be possible, the final judgment upon this world."

T-26; III
Anonymous said…
Hi Will - I read a Mooji quote and it said:
What is Heaven? A silent and empty mind.

Hope this helps.

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