A Touch of the Real World in the False World

          I cannot give the real world to you. I cannot help you attain it because it is not attained. But I will tell you this: Nothing you are concerned about in the false world, even in your spiritual life, is in the real world. There is no need to find the correct spiritual approach or for getting concepts right. In fact, there is no parsing the experience into concepts. There is no concern with care of the body or how the body is used or ideas like idols or special relationships. There is no guilt here. There is no dividing things into Truth and illusion because those are understood, manifestly apparent. Everything is accepted as it is.

Sometimes I am in the real world and negative, judgmental thoughts go through my mind and they are dissolved. So, there is no need to purify to prepare yourself for the real world. It does the purifying. Therefore, there is no reason to aim for purity in the false world. It will not bring you the real world and the real world does not require it of you.

Remember this when you are tempted to seriousness about anything, even your spiritual process.

The false world is like a veil before a light, the real world. Mystical experiences and spiritual insights are like the light breaking through worn spots on the veil where false ideas are wearing away. The more worn spots in one’s veil, the more light comes through, the more one seems to advance spiritually. But the light that comes through is always hedged in and distorted by the veil until it falls, and you find yourself in the real world.

Until you are in the real world, if such is the way it is to be for you, the touch of the real world that you can have with you always in the false world is Spirit. Spirit can be your Guide and Teacher and Therapist, your Constant Companion. You can share everything with Spirit, yes, even the false.  Spirit uses the false world to connect with you, giving meaning to the false not in what it is, but in your connection to Spirit.

Your peace will grow in direct proportion to your awareness of and trust in Spirit. There is no better or more peaceful way to live in the false world.

I’ve been asked if I still teach my 4 Habits for Inner Peace. Yes, of course. As far as the book goes, I’m sure the theory would be different, but not the practice, which is how to be with Spirit (Truth) throughout each day:


Commune with Truth (God) daily

Turn inward to Truth throughout the day

Make the Teacher of Truth (Spirit) your Constant Companion

Allow Love (Spirit) to extend through you to remember you are Love.


Every time you touch Spirit, you touch the real world.



If you have a question the answer to which you feel may be helpful to others, send it to Liz@acimmentor.com and I will answer it in this newsletter/blog.



Stephanie said…
It sounds like nothing is required in the Real World. I look forward to the experience.
ACIM Mentor said…
You are correct, Stephanie :-)
will said…
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will said…
In the real world much of the world falls away.
In the dream there are many blocks that the Holy Spirit will need to remove.
will said…
In the false world things of the ego like concepts, idols, special relationships, feelings of the need to purify, are what the Holy Spirit changes and uses to heal.
will said…
This blog is about the spin the ego can put on your spiritual life.
will said…
The blog is a warning to not use our spiritual practice to try to influence God. How many of us are trying to use influence to attain enlightenment?
will said…
As spiritual beings our potential is learning. In the dream we cannot grab onto infinity or knowledge. One thought or belief fades and another takes its place.

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